Fire Engine Driver cum Pump Operator Vacancy for 10TH

On 23/07/2019, Kolkata Port Trust announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed 10TH for the position of Fire Engine Driver cum Pump Operator.

Annotation 2019 07 25 114008

Other Qualification Details:

1. Essential qualification:
a) Must have passed Madhyamik or equivalent examination.
b) Must possess a Certificate of training in Fire Fighting from a recognized Institution / Centre.
c) Must possess valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License for at least 3 years.
d) Must be able to maintain logbook and other relevantrecords.
e) Must have sufficient knowledge of operations and maintenance of different Fire Pumps, Equipments, Appliances and maneuvering of Foam Crash Tender (FCT).
f) Must possess a sound health.
g) Must be able to conduct, supervise & attend different fire drills and parades.

2. Experience: Must have at least one year experience in fire fighting work, including some experience in driving different types of Heavy Vehicles. Preference will be given to the candidates possessing experience in driving Fire Tenders.


25-45 Years.


FEDCPO under Administration Division, HDC”, should reach the office of Sr. Dy. Manager (P&IR), Haldia Dock Complex, Jawahar Tower 6 th floor, P.O.-Haldia Township, Dist.-Purba Medinipur, PIN – 721607

General Instructions

i) The engagement will be for a period of 02 (Two) years and on expiry of the said period, the contractual engagement will be automatically terminated. However, on expiry of the contract, HDC/KoPT reserves the right to enter into a fresh contract for such period and on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by theparties.
ii) The selected candidate will be responsible for :- a. He will attend the fire/emergency calls promptly with fire appliances and equipment viz. Foam Crash Tenders (FCT) / Fire trailer Pumps etc. at the shortest possible time. b. He will drive all types of fire vehicles, jeeps, etc. and operate all types of fire pumps under Fire Unit. c. He will keep ready in all respect the FCTs alongwith its in-built pump, shorebased fixed fire pumps, Fire Trailer Pumps and other pumps attached to port fire service at the commencement of his duty and also from time to time to face any sort of emergency situation. d. He will identify the defects, if any and maintain them to the extent possible atstation level. e. He will maintain log books of FCTs and all fixed and mobile fire-fighting pumps as per formats regarding ISO and keep his superiors informed from time to time. f. He will take part in all sorts of squad drill and fire equipment drill on regular basis and / or as advised by his superiors. g. He will draw fuels and lubricants from stores for the use of portable as well as fixed fire pumps with proper record and responsibility. h. He will carry out any other job, related to Fire Unit as will be assigned to him from time to time.
iii) The selected candidate will be paid a fixed consolidated remuneration of Rs.24,300/- (Rupee twenty four thousand three hundred only) per month with yearly increment of Rs.700/- ( Rupees seven hundred only).
iv) The selected candidate will normally be posted at different stations of Fire Unit of Haldia Dock Complex. However, the selected candidate may be required to work at any department / office within the jurisdiction of HDC, KoPT.
v) The selected candidate will be to work for 6 days in a week and will be entitled to a weeklyoff day. If situation so demands, the weekly day of rest may be changed with prior intimation. The selected candidate will be required to work in shifts on rotation i.e. morning, afternoon, night & general shift as per requirement. In exigencies of work, he may also be booked on Holidays / Weekly Off days / Overtime hours beyond his scheduled duty hours, for which appropriate relief may be considered, as per the discretion of the Competent Authority.
vi) The selected candidate may avail of the facility of HDC accommodation (unfurnished) on payment of license fee / rent, as applicable. Electricity charges for the said quarter shall have to be borne by the candidate at actual.
vii) The selected candidate will be entitled to 15 days leave in a year (12 months from the date of engagement and proportionate in case of shorter period of engagement), which shall be availed of with prior approval. For any absence, in excess of 15 days, pro-rata deduction will be made from the consolidated remuneration.
viii) Additionally, leave on medical ground to the extent of 10 days in a year (12 months from the date of engagement and proportionate in case of shorter period of engagement) on illness, may be allowed without any deduction from the remuneration, on the basis of certification from HDC / KoPT Medical Officer. Intimation of sickness should be reported to the Head of the Division / Reporting Officer forthwith, in writing, together with the certificate of illness from a Registered Medical Practitioner, in addition to verbal intimation over phone. ix) The selected candidate will be entitled to indoor & outdoor medical facilities as are available in the Port Hospital at Haldia for self and spouse only. However, no reimbursement for medicine / medical articles purchased from outside, diagnostic tests done outside or treatment received outside will be allowed. This restriction will not apply for treatment of any injury sustained due to accident occurred in the course of and arising out of engagement.
x) If the selected candidate is required to go on official tour, the candidate will be entitled to TA/DA as applicable.

Selection Procedure

1. Trade Test.
2. Written Test

How to Apply

Interested candidates, fulfilling the above mentioned eligibility criteria and agreeable to the terms and conditions given below, may apply in the enclosed proforma with one recent passport size photograph and self-certified photocopies of relevant certificates / testimonials. Application in sealed envelope superscribed “Application for contractual engagement of FEDCPO under Administration Division, HDC”, should reach the office of Sr. Dy. Manager (P&IR), Haldia Dock Complex, Jawahar Tower 6 th floor, P.O.-Haldia Township, Dist.-Purba Medinipur, PIN – 721607, by August 30, 2019. Mere fulfillment of the eligibility criteria will not confer any right upon the candidate for selection. Management reserves the right to cancel the selection process without any reference to the candidates. Incomplete application or application received after the last date may not be entertained.

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