WB Panchayat Job 2025

West Bengal Gram Panchayat Recruitment 2025

West Bengal Gram Panchayat Recruitment 2025, WB Panchayat Recruitment Notification pdf, Check Eligibility, Fee & Apply Online Process . WB Panchayat Recruitment 2025, 6652 Vacancies, Eligibility, Apply Online . WB Panchayat Recruitment 2024

  1. WB Panchayat Jobs highlights
  2. Eligibility
  3. Age Limit
  4. Salary

List of Post

  • 1. Executive Assistant of Gram Panchayat
    2. Gram Panchayat Karmee
    3. Nirman Sahayak of Gram Panchayat
    4. Sahayak of Gram Panchayat
    5. Secretary of Gram Panchayat
    6. Accounts Clerk of Panchayat Samity
    7. Block Informatics Officer of Panchayat Samity
    8. Clerk-cum-Typist of Panchayat Samity
    9. Data Entry Operator of Panchayat Samity
    10. Panchayat Samiti Peon of Panchayat Samity
    11. Additional Accountant of Zilla Parishad
    12. Assistant Cashier of Zilla Parishad
    13. Data Entry Operator of Zilla Parishad
    14. District Information Analyst (DIA) of Zilla Parishad
    15. Group – D of Zilla Parishad
    16. Lower Division Assistant of Zilla Parishad
    17. Stenographer of Zilla Parishad
    18. System Manager of Zilla Parishad
    19. Work Assistant of Zilla Parishad
Details Link
Result Link https://wbprms.in/notice/result
Applycation Link https://wbprms.in/
Notice Link Update Soon …..

West Bengal Gram Panchayat Recruitment 2025

Category Application fee details
General Rs. 500 to Rs. 700
Reserved candidates Exempted

♦️♦️ পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের পঞ্চায়েত দপ্তরের বিভিন্ন পদের পরীক্ষা পদ্ধতি পে স্কেল

✒️✒️ পঞ্চায়েত রুরাল ডেভেলপমেন্ট এর ওয়েবসাইট এ দেওয়া আছে

বিভিন্ন পদগুলি একনজরে দেখে নাও 👇

বয়স সবগুলো তেই 18-40 এছাড়া তপসীল জাতি ওবিসি দের ছাড় আছে

সব পোষ্ট এর পরীক্ষা পুরোপুরি এমসিকিউ

📌📌 একজিকিউটিভ এসিটেন্ট –

শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা – গ্ৰাজুয়েট কম্পিউটার এর ডিপ্লোমা

বেতন -28900-74500/-

পরীক্ষা (এমসিকিউ)- ইংরেজি ২৫ বাংলা ২৫ পাটিগণিত ২৫ জিকে ১০ ইন্টারভিউ -১৫

📌📌 পঞ্চায়েত সহায়ক -শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা -৮ পাস বা মাধ্যমিক


পরীক্ষা – জিকে ১০ ইংরেজি ১০ বাংলা ১৩ পাটিগণিত ১০ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌 নির্মাণ সহায়ক -যোগ্যতা সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং এর ডিপ্লোমা বা বিটেক

পে স্কেল -২৮৯০০-৭৪৫০০/-

পরীক্ষা – ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং বিষয়ে ৬৫ ইংরেজি ১৩ জেনারেল নলেজ ৭ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌 পঞ্চায়েত সহায়ক – যোগ্যতা – মাধ্যমিক পাস

পে স্কেল – ২১০০০-৫৪০০০/-

পরীক্ষা -ইংরেজি ২৫ বাংলা ২৫ অঙ্ক ২৫ জিকে ১০ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌 সেক্রেটারি – যোগ্যতা -উচচ মাধ্যমিক পাস

পে স্কেল -২২৭০০-৫৮৫০০/-

পরীক্ষা -ইংরেজি ২৫ বাংলা ২৫ অঙ্ক ২৫ জিকে ১০ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌 একাউন্ট ক্লার্ক – শিক্ষা গত যোগ্যতা -মাধ্যমিক পাস কম্পিউটার জানলে অগ্ৰাধিকার

পে স্কেল -২২৭০০-৫৮৫০০/-

পরীক্ষা পদ্ধতি – ইংরেজি ২০ বাংলা ২০ গনিত ২৫ জিকে ২০ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌ব্লক ইনফরমেশন অফিসার – গ্ৰাজুয়েট কম্পিউটার এর ডিপ্লোমা অথবা বিটেক বা ডোয়েক বি বা সি লেভেল

পে স্কেল -৩২১০০-৮২৯০০/-

পরীক্ষা -ইংরেজি ১০ বাংলা ১০ পাটিগণিত ১০ জিকে ১০ কম্পিউটার এপ্লিকেশন -৪৫ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌 ক্লার্ক টাইপিস্ট -মাধমিক পাস টাইপিং এর দক্ষতা

পে স্কেল -৩২১০০-৮২৯০০/-

পরীক্ষা -ইংরেজি ২০ বাংলা ২০ গনিত ২৫ জিকে ২০ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌ডেটা এন্ট্রি অপারেটর – মাধ্যমিক পাস সাথে ডেটা এন্ট্রি অপারেটর এর কাজ এর দক্ষতা ঘন্টায় ৬০০০ ডেটা এন্ট্রি কাজে দক্ষতা

পে স্কেল -২২৭০০-৫৮৫০০/-

পরীক্ষা -ইংরেজি ২০ অঙ্ক ২৫ বাংলা ২০ জিকে ২০ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌পিওন – কমপক্ষে ৮ পাস

পে স্কেল -১৭০০০-৪৩৬০০/-

পরীক্ষা -ইংরেজি ১০ বাংলা ১৩ অঙ্ক ১০ জিকে ১০ ইন্টারভিউ ৭

📌📌 ডিস্ট্রিক্ট ইনফরমেশন এনালাইসিস -ডিগ্ৰি কোর্স পাস কম্পিউটার এর ডিপ্লোমা অথবা ডোয়েক এর এ লেভেল

পে স্কেল -৩৩৪০০- ৮৬১০০/-

পরীক্ষা – ইংরেজি ১০ বাংলা ১০ অঙ্ক ২০ কম্পিউটার এপ্লিকেশন থিওরি ২৫ প্রাকটিক্যাল ২০ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌 লোয়ার ডিভিসন ক্লার্ক- মাধ্যমিক পাস ৫০% নম্বর সহ

পে স্কেল -২২৭০০-৫৮৫০০/-

পরীক্ষা -ইংরেজি ২০ বাংলা ২০ অঙ্ক ২৫ জিকে ২০ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌স্টেনোগ্ৰাফার- গ্ৰাজুয়েট সাথে স্টেনোটাইপিং দক্ষতা ডিকটেসন স্পিড ৭০ টা শব্দ মিনিট এ টাইপিং স্পীড ৩০ শব্দ মিনিট এ

পে স্কেল -২৮৯০০-৭৪৫০০/-

পরীক্ষা -ইংরেজি ১৫ বাংলা ১৫ গনিত ১৫ জিকে ১০ ডিকটৈসন -১৫ টাইপিং টেস্ট ১৫ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫

📌📌 ওয়ার্ক এসিস্ট্যান্ট – মাধ্যমিক পাস ৫০% নং সহ

পে স্কেল -২২৭০০-৫৮৫০০

পরীক্ষা – ইংরেজি -২০ বাংলা ২০ অঙ্ক ২৫ জিকে২০ ইন্টারভিউ ১৫


1) How do I apply for job at WBPRMS?

Ans: – if you have not yet created your profile in our portal, please go to Register now and
register yourself. Then Login to this portal with your credentials. On Login You will land in
Dashboard Page. First Go To Edit Profile. Try to Fill up all relevant block in Profile Page. Also
Upload All Relevant Documents (Scanned Copy) and Get Ready for Vacancy Notification.
Once Vacancies notified select respective posts you want to apply for from the right-hand
block. click on Apply button. Read Carefully the How to Apply Document carefully before
Applying to any post – https://wbprms.in/

2) Do you have any guidelines for my application?

Ans: – First Register in the portal, then login and create your profile. Try to fill up the sections
suitable for you. You must fill up all your basic details along with academic qualification. You
must upload all your available documents. When your profile is fully updated Apply for any
specific posts you are eligible for.

3) How to retrieve my password?

Ans: – Click “Forgot Password” of Registration page and set password with OTP validation.

4) Can I change my registered Mobile number & email address
after registration?

Ans: – No, you cannot change your mobile number & email address after registration.

5) How long OTP may valid?

Ans: – 4min valid.

6) Whether OTP received at email address?

Ans:-Yes, OTP also send your registered mobile and email address.

7) What will be Size of image Photo & Signature uploading for

Ans: – The applicant should provide recent color photograph in passport size. The size of the
Photo should be minimum 30 and maximum 80 KB in (.jpeg, .jpg or .png) format and
dimension will be (160 X 213) and Signature should be minimum 5kb and maximum 50 KB in
(.jpeg, .jpg or .png) format.

8) Without uploading scanned documents can I apply for job?

Ans: – No, you can not apply for job without uploading of necessary documents.

9) What will be file size for uploading document?

Ans: -Upload only jpg or pdf file of size between 200kb to 2mb.

10) After applying the job, can I edit my profile?

Ans: – Yes, you can modify your profile for other post.

11) Can I apply in various DLSCs?

Ans: – Yes, you can apply in various DLSCs.

12) Can I apply for the various posts?

Ans: – Yes, you can apply for various post.

13) How can I know about the job details?

Ans: – You May Search for the job Details even before Registering in this portal. The Home
page itself displays all vacancies. You also have a Job search option where you may search by
Posts or Districts or even put your highest qualification and search. Once search results
arives – click on the icons to view details about the jobs.

14) If I am eligible for multiple post, shall I apply multiple post?

Ans: – There is no restrictions at the time of applications, but exams may take place on a
single day and in different venues. So, please choose carefully while applying.

15) Can I proceed with partly filled up data?

Ans- No.

16) If application uploaded with wrong profile picture, can it be
possible to change after submitting the application?

Ans – No.

17) Can I get eligibility as “Ex-Serviceman” category without
registered in the Zilla Sainik Board?

Ans- No.

18) Can I apply PWD category of various post?

Ans: – Please follow the advertisement.

19) I still have some question that I need answer to. How can I get
in touch?

Ans: – Please Visit Contact Us and Write to Us.

20) I am already registered as a user- How can I apply for a job?

Ans: – if you have not yet created your profile in our portal, please go to Register now and
register yourself. Then Login to this portal with your credentials. On Login You will land in
Dashboard Page. First Go To Edit Profile. Try to Fill up all relevant block in Profile Page. Also
Upload All Relevant Documents (Scanned Copy) and Get Ready for Vacancy Notification.
Once Vacancies notified select respective posts you want to apply for from the right-hand
block. click on Apply button. Read Carefully the How to Apply Document carefully before
Applying to any post

21) From where can I download Admit Card?

Ans: – From your dashboard, look into your applied posts section – click on the exam icon.
When admit card for a particular exam is published, you will find a link over there. Click on
the link to download.

22) I have the download one admit card during MCQ Exam, will it
work for interview also?

Ans: – No, Roll No and Venue may be different for each exam. So, download admit card
separately for each exam.

23) What kind of Exams I need to give?

Ans: – Type of Exams may vary from post to post. Mostly there are two types of exams: MCQ
& Interview. It is better to Register in the site and find all details regarding every publish
posts there.

24) My name is present in the merit list; does it mean that I am
allowed for the next level?

Ans: – No, Merit lists may contain list of all appeared candidates. You may have an idea about
your relative position. If you are selected for the next level, your name will appear in the
selection Lists.

25) How can I know about the results?

Ans: – Once Results are out you may find the announcement from the notice section as well
as from the results section

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2025-2026)

Executive Assistant (GP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
(B) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized -University
(C) Diploma in Computer Application from any institute recognized by
State Government or Central Government of State Council or
Technical Education of All India Council of Technical Education
Must Pass either Diploma (Diploma in Computer Application, Diploma in
Computer Science ) or Graduation
 Desirable :-
A. Post-graduate Degree or Diploma in social work
or rural development from any recognized
Institute or University
B. Experience in social work or rural development
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 9, Pay Rs.28900/- to Rs.74500/-
 MCQ :-
English – 25 marks , Bengali – 25 marks , Arithmetic – 25 marks , G.K
(Emphasis on Rural Life & Rural Development – 10 marks
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Gram Panchayat Karmee
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
(B) Must have passed the final examination of Class VIII from any
recognized institution
Must Pass either Class VIII Pass or Secondary
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 1,Pay Rs.17000/- to Rs.43600/-
 MCQ :-
English – 10 marks Class VIII Std. , Bengali – 13 Marks Class VIII Std. ,
Arithmetic – 10 marks Class VIII Std. ,GK 10 marks Class VIII Std.
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Nirman Sahayak (GP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
(B) Must have a Diploma in Civil Engineering from any institute recognized by
State Government or Central Government
Must Pass either Diploma (Diploma in Civil Engineering) or Graduation
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 9, Pay

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
B)Must have passed the Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal
Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent examination from any
recognized Board or Council or University
C ) Candidates having 50% marks in aggregate in the Madhyamik or its
equivalent examination will be preferred
Must Pass in Secondary
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 5, Pay Rs.21000/- to Rs.54000/
 MCQ :-
i) English – 25 marks ii) Bengali – 25 marks iii) Arithmetic – 25 marks iv) G.K (Emphasis
on Rural Life & Rural Development – 10 marks.
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Secretary (GP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
B) Must have passed the Higher Secondary Examination from the West Bengal
Council of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination from any
recognized Board or Council or University
Must Pass either Higher Secondary or Diploma
 Desirable :-
6 months formal training in using Personal Computer
from a recognized Institution
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 6, Pay Rs.22700/- to Rs.58500/-
 MCQ :-
i) English – 25 marks ii) Bengali – 25 marks iii) Arithmetic – 25 marks iv) G.K (Emphasis
on Rural Life & Rural Development – 10 marks.
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Accounts Clerk (PS)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
(B) Have passed the Madhyamik or its equivalent examination from any
recognized University or Board
Must Pass in Secondary
 Desirable :-
Diploma in Computer Application from any Institute recognized by State
Government or Central Government or State Council of Technical Education or All
India Council of Technical Education
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 6, Pay Rs.22700/- to Rs.58500/-
 MCQ :-
i) English – 20 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
ii) Bengali – 20 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
iii) Arithmetic – 25 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
iv)G.K (Emphasis on Rural Life & Rural Development ) – 20 marks.
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Block Informatics Officer (PS)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
B) Bachelor’s degree in computer application or Bachelors’ (Honours’)
degree in Computer Science or Bachelor’s degree in any stream with
‘A’ level certificate course of DOEACC .
Provided that candidates with qualifications of ‘B’ level or ‘C’ level
certificate course of DOEACC with three years’ Diploma in Computer Science
and Engineering/Information Technology/Electronics and
Telecommunication shall also be considered. 1) Bachelor in Electronics &
Communication Engineering/Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech.
(IT) and B.Sc. (IT) by Distance Education Programmes from Visva
Bharati or any other recognized University or from Indira Gandhi
National Open University. 2) B.E. or B.Tech. in Computer Science and
Engineering . 3 ) B.Sc in Computer Science . 4 ) Master/Bachelor in Computer
Application. 5) B. Sc. in General Stream Course and M. Sc.
Must Pass either Graduation or Diploma
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45, Scheduled
Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 10, Pay Rs.32100/- to Rs.82900/
 MCQ :-
English – 10 marks (General Academic Standard of H.S)
Bengali – 10 marks (General Academic Standard of H.S)
Arithmetic – 10 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
G.K (Emphasis on Rural Life & Rural Development) – 10 marks.
Computer Applications – 45 marks (25 marks for Theoretical examination of
B.C.S standard & 20 marks for practical test)
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Clerk-cum-Typist (PS)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
B)Have passed the Madhyamik or its equivalent examination from
any recognized University or Board or Council and having a
minimum typing speed of thirty words per minute in English and
twenty words per minute in Bengali
Must Pass Secondary
 Desirable :-
Having a minimum typing speed of thirty words per minute in English
and twenty words per minute in Bengali.
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 10, Pay Rs.32100/- to Rs.82900/
 MCQ :-
i) English – 20 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
ii) Bengali – 20 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
iii) Arithmetic – 25 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
iv)G.K (Emphasis on Rural Life & Rural Development ) – 20 marks.
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Data Entry Operator (PS)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
(B) have passed the Madhyamik or its equivalent examination
from any recognized University or Board or Council and having a
minimum typing speed of thirty words per minute in English and
twenty words per minute in Bengali,
(C) at least three months formal training in using personal
computer from any Institute recognized by the State Government or
the Central Government or State Council of Technical Education or All
India Council of Technical Education,
(D) have a minimum speed of data entry of 6000 key depressions
per hour.
Must Pass Secondary
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 6, Pay Rs.22700/- to Rs.58500/-
 MCQ :-
i) English – 20 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
ii) Bengali – 20 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
iii) Arithmetic – 25 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
iv)G.K (Emphasis on Rural Life & Rural Development ) – 20 marks.
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Panchayat Samiti Peon (PS)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
B)Must have passed class Vlll from a recognised institution
C) Must have knowledge of reading and writing in Bengali or
Nepali in cases of Hill areas
Must Pass either Class VIII Pass or Secondary
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 1, Pay Rs.17000/- to Rs.43600/-
 MCQ :-
i) Bengali – 13 ii) English – 10 iii) Arithmetic – 10 iv) General Knowledge – 10
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 7

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Additional Accountant (ZP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
B) Bachelor degree in Commerce from any recognised University.
Must Pass in Graduation
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 7, Pay Rs.24700/- to Rs.63900
 MCQ :-
1.English – 20 2. Bengali – 20 3. General Knowledge – 15 4. Accountancy – 30
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Assistant Cashier (ZP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
B) Passed Madhyamik or equivalent examination of-any recognised University,
Board or Council, having secured at least fifty per cent marks in aggregate Assistant
Cashier Minimum 50.00% marks in Aggregate Secondary.
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 6, Pay Rs.22700/- to Rs.58500/-
 MCQ :-
1. Bengali – 20 2. English – 20 3. Arithmetic – 25 4. General Knowledge – 20 Total Marks: 85
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Data Entry Operator (ZP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
(B) have passed the Madhyamik or its equivalent examination
from any recognized University or Board or Council and having a
minimum typing speed of thirty words per minute in English and
twenty words per minute in Bengali,
(C) at least three months formal training in using personal
computer from any Institute recognized by the State Government or
the Central Government or State Council of Technical Education or All
India Council of Technical Education,
(D) have a minimum speed of data entry of 6000 key depressions
per hour.
Must Pass Secondary
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 6, Pay Rs.22700/- to Rs.58500/-
 MCQ :-
i) English – 20 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
ii) Bengali – 20 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
iii) Arithmetic – 25 marks (General Academic Standard of Madhyamik)
iv)G.K (Emphasis on Rural Life & Rural Development ) – 20 marks.
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
District Information Analyst (ZP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
The candidates shall,
A) Be a Citizen of India as defined in Part-II of the Constitution of India.
B) A Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university
C) One-year full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application Course
(P.G.D.C.A.) from an institute recognised by U.G.C./ AICTE/ Government of West
Bengal with three years’ working experience.
Or Diploma on Computer Science or Information Technology from a
Polytechnic recognised by AICTE Or BSC(HONS) in Computer Science
Or BCA degree from recognised university
Or ‘A’ level certificate of DOEACC course from an institute recognised by the
Department of Electronics (D.O.E.), Government of India with three years’
working experience.
Must Pass either Graduation or Diploma.
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 11, Pay Rs.33400/- to Rs.86100/
 MCQ :-
 1. Bengali – 10 2. English – 10 3. Mathematics – 20 4. Computer Application (Theory) – 25 5.
Computer Application (Practical) – 20 Total Marks: 85
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Group D Employees(ZP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
The candidates shall,
A) Be a Citizen of India as defined in Part-II of the Constitution of India .
B) Passed at least Class VIII examination of any recognised school.
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 1, Pay Rs.17000/- to Rs.43600/-
 MCQ :-
 1. Bengali – 13 2. English – 10 3. Arithmetic – 10 4. General Knowledge – 10 Total Marks: 43.
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 7

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Lower Division Assistant (ZP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
The candidates shall,
A) Be a Citizen of India as defined in Part-II of the Constitution of India.
B)Passed Madhyamik or equivalent examination, having secured at least fifty
per cent marks in aggregate, of any recognised University, Board or Council.
 Desirable:-
Knowledge of Type writing
. Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40

Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 6, Pay Rs.22700/- to Rs.58500/-
 MCQ :-
1. Bengali – 20 2. English – 20 3. Arithmetic – 25 4. General Knowledge – 20 Total Marks: 85
2. Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
(B)Bachelor degree from a recognised University
(C) Ability to take dictation at a speed of at least eighty words per
minute, and typing speed of at least forty words per minute, in English
Ability to lake dictation at a speed of at least seventy words per
minute, and typing speed of at least thirty words per minute, in
Bengali, as the case may be
Must Pass in Graduation
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 9, Pay Rs.28900/- to Rs.74500/-
 MCQ :-
1. Bengali – 15 , 2. English – 15 , 3. Arithmetic – 15 , 4. General Knowledge – 10 ,
5. Dictation – 15 , 6. Type Test – 15
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
System Manager(ZP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
(B)Master of Computer Applications Or M. Tech with
specialization in Computer Application) Or BE Or B.Tech in Computer
Engineering Or Computer-Science Or Computer Technology from a
recognized University Or Passed ‘B’ or ‘C’ level course of DOEACC,
Government of India in Computer Engineering Or Computer Science
Or Computer Technology Or Master Degree in Physics or Mathematics
or Statistics or Electronics or Operational Research from a recognized
University with Post Graduate Diploma (2 years) in Computer
(C) 5 years experience in Electronic Database management including
experience of actual programming or Database Administration
Must Pass either Graduation or Post Graduation
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 16, Pay Rs.56100/- to Rs.144300/-
 MCQ :-
i) Bengali – 10 (Conformity with Madhyamik or its equivalent standard)
ii) English – 10 (Conformity with Madhyamik or its equivalent standard)
iii) Mathematics – 20 (Conformity with Higher Secondary/BCA standard)
iv) Computer Application (Theory) – 25 (Conformity with BCA standard)
v) Computer Application (Practical) – 20 (Conformity with BCA standard)
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Recruitment to Different post(s) of Panchayat Bodies(2024-2025)
Work Assistant (ZP)
Eligibility Criteria
 Essential :-
(A) Citizen of India as defined in Part II of the Constitution of India
B ) Passed Madhyamik or equivalent examination of any
recognised University, Board, or Council, having secured not less than
fifty percent marks in aggregate.
Minimum 50.00% marks in Aggregate Secondary
 Age :-
Age As On First Day of January of Drive Year.
EWS: 18-40, OBC-A: 18-43, OBC-B: 18-43, Scheduled Caste: 18-45,
Scheduled Tribe: 18-45, UnReserved: 18-40
Scale of Pay
Scale of Pay: Level 6, Pay Rs.22700/- to Rs.58500/-
 MCQ :-
1. Bengali – 20 2. English – 20 3. Arithmetic – 25 4. General Knowledge – 20
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Rs.28900/- to Rs.74500/-
 MCQ :-
i) Engineering (Civil – 65 marks), ii) English – 13 marks, iii) G.K – 07 Marks
 Interview :-
Total Marks: 15

Register Process

Register to the portal with your valid mobile number
Name, Date of birth and Gender
Log In
Login to the system with your newly created credentials
Edit Profile
Go to Dashboard and Edit your Profile
Apply For Jobs
Clock on the available vacancies published and click on
apply now.
Process To Follow

Best Way To Fill Up Your Job Application
1. Enter valid Mobile No
2. Enter valid Email ID
3. Enter Name
4. Enter Date of Birth
5. Select Gender
6. Create your own password
7. Enter Captcha
8. Click on the Send OTP
9. Put the OTP Received
10.Once Validated Your OTP

Registration will be completed
1. Enter Registered Mobile No
2. Enter Password
3. Enter Captcha
4. Click on the Login Button
Once validated you will be taken to the personal Dashboard

If you forgot your password
1. Enter Registered Mobile No
2. Enter New Password and confirm new password
3. Enter Date of Birth
4. Click on the change Password Button
5. System will send an OTP to your registered mobile

Once validated your password will be updated with the new one
1. Click on the Edit Profile Button
List of Recent
Recruitment Drives/ post

1. You need to fill up 3 different sections
A. Profile
B. Additional Information
C. Uploads

2. Upload your photo and signature
Photo- The applicantshould provide a recent colour photograph in passport size. The
size of the Photo should be a minimum 30 and a maximum 80 KB in (.jpeg, .jpg or
.png) format and dimension will be (160 X 213).
Signature- The applicantneedsto provide signature in full with black ink. The size of
the Signature should be minimum 5 and maximum 50 KB in (.jpeg, .jpg or .png) format.

3. Click on the Edit button and fill up the general section
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Date of Birth( D.O.B), Gender will
be as per the registration details. Blood group, Computer Literate,
Aadhar No are compulsory fields
( * ) f or compulsory fields
Communication details
Identify card

The mobile no and email id Field data candidate filled during registration. The
registered mobile no & E-mail id can’tbe changed

5. Click on the Edit button and fill up identity card details
Social Information 4. Clickon the Edit button and fill up the Social Information
Name is compulsory)

6. Clickon the Edit button and fill up the family information (Father/Guardian
(* )f or compulsory fields

7. Clickon the Edit button and fill up the PermanentAddress
Address, State, District, Police Station, Post Office,
Postal Code, Block/ Corporation/Municipality are compulsory

8. Clickon the Edit button and fill up the CommunicationAddress.
While editing, you may also check this box to copy permanent
address to communication address, if both the addresses are
Address, State, District, Police Station, Post Office,
Postal Code, Block/ Corporation/Municipality are compulsory 9. Click on the Edit button and fill up the Class VIII Pass
Information, If you have higher qualification,this section is
not required
Institution, Year of Passing, Percentage of Marks are compulsory
( * ) for compulsory fields
11. Click on the Edit button and fill up Diploma Exam Details
(Only candidates having certificates from a recognized
institution will be eligible)
( * ) for compulsory fields
10. Click on the Edit button and fill up Class 10 Exam Details
Board Name, Year of passing, Percentage obtained are compulsory
( * ) for compulsory fields
12. Click on the Edit button and fill up Class 12 Exam Details
If candidate has studied from “Other State Boards” ,
the candidate has to input his/her board name in the
Field which will appear upon selecting
“Other State Boards” .
13. Click on the Edit button and fill up Bachelor Exam Details
If a candidate has studied at a university other than the list of universities mentioned, the
candidate has to select “OTHERS” and input his/her university name in the
field which will appear upon selecting “OTHERS” Option “Input University name” .
14. Click on the Edit button and fill up Post Graduation Details
[ If a candidate has studied at a university other than the
listof universities mentioned,the candidate has to
select“OTHERS” and inputhis/her university name
in the field which will appearupon selecting “OTHERS”
Option “InputUniversity name.] ( * ) for compulsory fields
15. Click on the Edit button and fill up Ex-Servicemen details, if you are a ex-serviceman
If Ex-Servicemen is Yes then the candidate has to fill
the details Service Year, Service Month, Service Days,
and Zilla Sainik Registration No.
16. Click on the Edit button and fill up details , if you are a person with disability
If persons with disability of 40% and above is Yes then the
candidate has to fill the details disability type
17. Click on the Edit button and fill up details, if you are a meritorious sports person
and save
If meritorious sports person is Yes then the candidate has to fill
the details Area and Sports Type
18. Click on the Edit button and Update languages you can speak, read and write
and save
19. Click on the Add Record button and fill up details of your PGDCA
course Certificate or other DOECC certificate and save
If candidate wants to edit the details The
candidate has to fill up this section
20. Upload all relevant documents – Once
Done your profile will be considered
* If a candidate changes any status in his/her profile the candidate has to re-upload the relevant document.
The candidate changes the Social Information, Identity Card, , any education qualification Class 10, class 10+2
, Diploma, Bachelor, PG detail
1. The candidate has to select the dashboard to go the dashboard page
2. For anyQuery and Complaint
3. Logout from portal
Details of Application Can be viewed in
the dashboard
1. Application Details
2. Exams
3. Status
4. Delete Application
Application- Clickhere to edit the initiated
Exams- Details of date for MCQ/ Interview can be
Status- Present milestone status of the
for the particular post can be viewed
Delete Application- If the candidate wants to
delete any initiated application the candidate
can click on this button. The button will be
disabled after submission of the application

• Details regarding the drive will appear on the screen.
• Check the details and if you want to apply click on the Apply Icon
1. Information to Applicant
2. Important Dates
3. Disclaimers
4. Browser Compatibilities
5. Salary Structure
6. Instruction to candidates
1. Image of the applicant
2. Application Details
3. Sections to be filled
4. Application Preview &
Red colour means the section is incomplete
Green colour means the section is complete
Clickon the toggle button to confirm and Save
The color will change fromRed to green
After confirm and Save.
After Confirm and Save the Section edit option will be disabled
All Sections are when confirmed and save the colour will be changed to green
1. Click on the edit button to
enter the Declaration
2. Enter Location and click on
the checkbox “I Agree”
3. Once update location & check box
then click on confirm & save
Click on Application Preview and Submit
Click on
Submit Application
Click on to Download Application View and Download Pdf

Table of Contents

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