SASPFUW (সামাজিক সুরক্ষা যোজনা ) Registration
অসংগঠিত শ্রমিকদের জন্য প্রভিডেন্ট ফান্ডের রাজ্য সহায়তাপ্রাপ্ত প্রকল্প (এসএএসপিএফইউডাব্লু): এই প্রকল্পের সুবিধা:
60 years০ বছর বয়স প্রাপ্তির পরে বা মৃত্যুর কারণে অ্যাকাউন্টটি অকার্যকর হয়ে ওঠার পরে, সুদের সাথে মোট সংক্ষিপ্ত পরিমাণ শ্রমিক বা তার মনোনীত প্রার্থীদের বা আইনী উত্তরাধিকারীদের কাছে ফেরত দেওয়া হবে।
A যদি কোনও শ্রমিক 18 বছর বয়সে নামভুক্ত হয় এবং 60 বছর বয়স পর্যন্ত গ্রাহক হিসাবে অব্যাহত থাকে, তাকে 10,080 / – টাকা দিতে হবে এবং সুদের হারের হার হলে তা 1,52,428 / – টাকা ফেরত পেতে পারে 8% প্রতি বছর।
Ans &ণ ও প্রত্যাহার: একজন গ্রাহককে ১০,০০০ টাকার প্রত্যাহারের অনুমতি দেওয়া হবে। ১০০০ / – শর্তে তিনি 48 মাসের অবদান রেখেছেন এবং তার জন্য रु। তার ক্রেডিটে 2500 / – টাকা।
লক-ইন-পিরিয়ড: কোনও গ্রাহক-কর্মী যদি এই প্রকল্পের আওতায় গ্রাহক হিসাবে চালিয়ে যেতে না চান তবে লক-ইন-এর মেয়াদ শেষ হওয়ার পরে তাকে তার creditণের মধ্যে থাকা মোট ব্যালেন্সের চূড়ান্ত অর্থ প্রদান করা যেতে পারে / তার তালিকাভুক্তির তারিখ থেকে তিন বছরের সময়সীমা, তাঁর / তার কাছ থেকে ফরম -৯-এ আবেদন প্রাপ্তির বিষয়ে সম্পর্কিত উপদেষ্টা কমিটির অনুমোদনের মাধ্যমে,
অ্যাকাউন্টের পুনরুজ্জীবন: কোনও গ্রাহকের অ্যাকাউন্টটি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে যদি তিনি তিনটি আর্থিক বছরের জন্য ধারাবাহিকভাবে অবদান না রাখেন তবে শর্ত থাকে যে এ জাতীয় অ্যাকাউন্ট আঞ্চলিক শ্রমকল্যাণ কমিশনার (আরএলডব্লিউসি) অর্থাৎ আ.লীগ ডব্লিউ.ই, চ। গ্রাহকরা এই জাতীয় অর্থ পরিশোধের কারণ হিসাবে উল্লেখ করে এবং এই জাতীয় আরএলডব্লিউসি দ্বারা পর্যাপ্ত বলে মনে করেন যে আবেদনের উপর বর্তমান আর্থিক বছর। কোনও বকেয়া অবদানের অনুমতি দেওয়া হবে না।Official Link :-
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State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganised Workers (SASPFUW)
Introduction: The unorganised workers account for about 93 per cent of the total workforce and there is a steady growth in it over years in India. It is argued that the major security needs of the unorganised workers are food security, nutritional security, health security, housing security, employment security, income security, life and accident security, and old age security. The Employees’ Provident Funds &
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (EPF & MP Act) which applies to specific scheduled factories and establishments employing 20 or more employees and ensures provident fund to a small proportion of the population as smaller establishments are excluded from the benefits of the said Act. As a result, a vast majority of Labour force in the unorganized sector are beyond the benefits under the said Act.
Objective of the Scheme: To provide scope of Provident Fund to the workers in the Unorganised Sector, the State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers (SASPFUW) was introduced by the Govt. of West Bengal, vide Labour Department’s Resolution No 180-IR dated 24-01-2001 & Resolution No 305-IR dated 19-02-2001and implemented by the Labour Directorate, West Bengal.
Coverage: Initially all wage employed & self-employed workers between the age of 18 & 55 in the unorganized sector in the State of West Bengal and having an average family income of not more than 3500/- per month were eligible to be covered under the Scheme. Subsequently the scheme has been amended from time to time.
- All wage employed & self-employed workers between the age of 18 & 60 years in the unorganized sector. So far 46 Unorganised Industries & 12 Self-employed Occupations are covered
- Average family income of a worker not more than Rs. 6500/- per month.
- Place of work should be in West Bengal.
- Workers already covered under the ‘Employees’ Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act,
1952 are not eligible.
Lists of 46 Unorganised Industries & 12 Self-employed Occupations are appended below.
List of Unorganised Industries
- Tailoring Industries (having less than 20 workers).
- Shops (having less than 20 workers) & Establishments (having less than 20 workers)
- Bakery (having less than 20 workers)
- Linesman engaged in supply of Bakery Products.
- Hand-loom
- Cottage / Village based Cottage Industry (Boatman service, Bangle Making, Firework,Chakki Mills, Kite & Kite sticks Manufacturing, Earthen pottery Work, Paddy Husking, Embroidery & Zari Chicon Works).
- Lac Industry (having less than 20 workers).
- C.D.S., I.P.P.-VIII & C.U.D.P.-III.
- Automobile Repairing Garages (having less than 20 workers).
- Security Agencies.
- Printing Press.
- Book Binding.
- Leather & Leather goods.
- Saw Mil.
- Plastic Industry.
- Small Scale Engineering Units.
- Clinical Nursing Homes / Private Hospitals.
- Silk Printing.
- Dal Mill.
- Oil Mill.
- Paper Board & Straw Board Manufacturing.
- Beedi Making.
- Boatman Service.
- Rice Mill including Husking Mill.
- Forestry & Timber.
- Rubber & Rubber Products.
- Bone Mill.
- Cashew Processing.
- Coir Industry.
- Garments Making.
- Copy Writing Work in Court / Registration Office.
- Slaughter House.
- Type Copying Work.
- foot Wear (Leather, Rubber, Plastic).
- Power Loom.
- Small Scale Chemical Units.
- Iron Foundry.
- Medical Plants Other Than Cinchona.
- Hotel & Restaurant.
List of Self-employed occupations
- Cycle Rickshaw & Van Puller / Paddler.
- Head-load Workers and Workers engaged in Loading & Unloading.
- Railway Hawkers.
- Street Hawkers including News Paper Hawker.
- Cobbler/Shoe Maker.
- Gold Smithery & Silver Smithery.
- Ayah/Attendant engaged in Hospitals/Nursing Homes by the patients.
- Domestic Servants.
- Barbers/Beauticians.
- Idol Makers.
- Fishermen.
Features of the Scheme
- Subscription: Initially each subscriber used to pay at the rate of Rs.20/-per month and the State Government contributed to an equal matching amount.
- The State Government in the Labour Department enhanced the rate of worker’s contribution from
20/- to Rs.25/- per month with effect from 1st April, 2012 vide Labour Department’s Resolution No.1024-IR Dated 31st October, 2012.
- Government Contribution: The State Government in the Labour Department also enhanced the
Government’s matching contribution from Rs.20/- to RS. 30/- per month with effect from 1st April, 2012 vide Labour Department’s Resolution No.1024-IR Dated 31st October, 2012.
- The Government contribution will deem to be deposited in the account of subscriber on the same day as the subscription paid by the subscriber.
- Payment of Interest: Interest on the balance at credit of the Subscribers will also be paid by the State Government annually at the rate at which interest is allowed on deposit under the General Provident Fund by the Government from time to time.
- Final Payment: On attainment of the age of 60 years or in the event of the account becoming inoperative due to death or discontinuance as a subscriber under the Scheme, the total cumulative amount along with interest will be refunded to the workers or to his/her nominees or legal heirs.
- Loans & withdrawal: A subscriber will be allowed one withdrawal of Rs. 1000/- provided he/she has made 48 months contributions and he/she has Rs. 2500/- in his/her credit.
- Lock-in-Period : If a subscriber-worker does not want to continue as a subscriber under the Scheme, he/she may be given final payment of the total balance lying at his/her credit (that is the worker’s own contribution, matching contribution of the Govt. and the interest) after expiry of the lock-in-period of three years from the date of his enrollment.
- Revival of an Account: The account of a subscriber will be automatically closed if he /she does not make any contribution continuously for three financial years provided that such account shall be revived by the Regional Labour Welfare Commissioner (RLWC) i.e. ALC w.e.f. current financial year on an application made by the subscriber stating reasons for such non- payment and found to be sufficient by such RLWC. No arrear contribution shall, however, be allowed.
- Samajik Mukti Card to be given to each worker by virtue of which a worker can check out the amount of money deposited in his account and the benefits available to him / her.
- The Scheme was introduced in the year 2001 and is wholly funded by the State Government.
Whom to apply ?
- At the Block area – Minimum Wages Inspectors Posted at concerned Labour Welfare Facilitation Centre.
- At the Municipal area – Minimum Wages Inspectors Posted at concerned Labour Welfare Facilitation Centre and or to the concerned Assistant Labour Commissioners.
- In Kolkata Corporation area – Concerned Minimum Wages Inspector in the respective Labour Welfare Facilitation Centres or Assistant Labour Commissioner, E&L and MW Section, 6, Church Lane, 3rd, Floor, Kolkata- 700 001.
Who are authorized to certify the eligibility of the applicant ?
- Members of the Panchayat Samity in the rural areas.
- Commissioners of the wards in the Municipal areas.
- Councilors of the wards in the Municipal Corporation areas.
- Members of the Zilla Parishads.
- Members of Legislative Assembly of the area where an unorganized sector worker resides
- Members of Parliament of the area where an unorganized sector worker resides
- Concerned Employers.
- President / General Secretary of registered trade union operating in a listed unorganized industries / self-employed occupations to which the beneficiary was a member
Financial Transaction Procedure under SASPFUW
- Procedures of collection and deposit of monthly subscription and transfer of Government matching contribution to the treasuries under SASPFUW are set out below:
Step-1: Collecting Agents engaged under SASPFUW collect monthly subscription @ Rs.25/- from the subscriber and issue a printed receipt in Form – III and deposit the collected amount to the non-operative bank account opened in each block and municipality by using triplicate copies of Pay-in-Slip for such deposit.
Step-2: The collecting agents submit statement of collection from subscribers in Form – IV along with a duplicate copy of Pay-in-Slip to the concerned Minimum Wages Inspector (MWI).
Step-3: Amounts deposited in the non-operative bank accounts are transferred to the nodal bank account maintained at the district headquarters.
Step-4: Nodal banks, in turn, transfer the deposited amount to the Public Deposit Account maintained at district treasury / Pay and Accounts office, Kolkata under proper deposit head of account.
Step-5: Fund as received by the RLOs for Matching Contribution is also deposited to the Public Deposit (PD) Accounts maintained in all treasuries. Interest is also deposited in the Public Deposit (PD) Accounts maintained in all treasuries
State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers (SASPFUW): Benefits of the Scheme:
• On fulfillment of the age of 60 years or in case of the record becoming out of commission because of death, the all out combined sum alongside interest will be discounted to the laborers or to his/her chosen people or lawful beneficiaries.
• If a specialist is selected at 18 years old and proceeds as a supporter as long as 60 years old, he needs to pay Rs.10,080/ – and may get return of Rs.1,52,428/ – if the pace of revenue is 8% per annum.
• Loans and withdrawal: A supporter will be permitted one withdrawal of Rs. 1000/ – gave he/she has made four years commitments and he/she has Rs. 2500/ – in his/her credit.
• Lock-in-Period : If an endorser laborer would not like to proceed as a supporter under the Scheme, he/she might be given last installment of the complete equilibrium lying at his/her credit after expiry of the lock-in-time of a long time from the date of his enrolment, with the endorsement of the concerned Advisory Committee on receipt of an application in Form-IX from him/her
• Revival of an Account: The record of a supporter will be naturally shut on the off chance that he doesn’t make any commitment constantly for three monetary years given that such record will be resuscitated by the Regional Labor Welfare Commissioner (RLWC) for example ALC w.e,f. current monetary year on an application made by the supporter expressing explanations behind such non-installment and observed to be adequate by such RLWC. No arrear commitment will , nonetheless, be permitted.
Progress at a glance under the Scheme:
Total No of subscribers enrolled upto 31 .03.2015 | 50,92,038 |
Amount collected as subscription upto 31.03.2015 | Rs. 381,10,69,590 /- |
Final Payments made upto 31.03. 2015 | No. of persons- 1,22,430 |
Amounts disbursed– Rs. 47,27,40,233 /- |
- district-wise cumulative report on achievement under the Scheme is shown at Table-I and Year-wise Progress under SASPFUW is shown at Table-II.
District-wise Cumulative Report under SASPFUW upto 31.03.2015
Amount | ||||||||
Collected as | Amount deposited to the | Final Payment | ||||||
Sl | Name of the | No of | Subscription | Treasuries | ||||
Districts | Enrollment | (Rs) | ||||||
No. | ||||||||
Govt. | Amount | |||||||
Matching. | Interest | No.of | disbursed | |||||
Grant (Rs.) | (Rs.) | cases | (Rs.) | |||||
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | |
1 | Jalpaiguri | 89274 | 42873790 | 45210780 | 3012420 | 5435 | 11295923 | |
2 | Alipurduar | 68262 | 48925225 | 49761560 | 5271616 | 3417 | 9356516 | |
3 | Cooch Behar | 139817 | 74060990 | 76514660 | 3965244 | 3018 | 6952529 | |
4 | Darjeeling | 79789 | 54768355 | 74947586 | 5166224 | 2238 | 5883396 | |
5 | Uttar Dinajpur | 113892 | 47262850 | 52817099 | 2379863 | 3903 | 8171208 | |
6 | Dakshin Dinajpur | 115486 | 82461250 | 85049760 | 5102416 | 1314 | 3435391 | |
7 | Malda | 289075 | 248708850 | 264415100 | 11519972 | 6764 | 18768491 | |
8 | Murshidabad | 350853 | 229656790 | 247097800 | 15999530 | 7521 | 18158396 | |
9 | Nadia | 373800 | 285529820 | 300938460 | 26942965 | 8508 | 150769769 | |
10 | North 24 Parganas | 528639 | 378852180 | 463581280 | 49763336 | 13280 | 45179177 | |
11 | Kolkata | 129863 | 69890790 | 72978180 | 4719813 | 4487 | 13064201 | |
12 | South 24 | |||||||
parganas | 512672 | 438648560 | 437030000 | 29964570 | 15881 | 43696287 | ||
13 | Howrah | 376845 | 316959970 | 329762900 | 25706588 | 9361 | 28226356 | |
14 | Hooghly | 317989 | 248829935 | 261025260 | 14157216 | 5516 | 17827847 | |
15 | Burdwan | 354961 | 291713865 | 302553170 | 23224616 | 10721 | 29203231 | |
16 | Birbhum | 143869 | 108196410 | 117774175 | 8678168 | 2084 | 6052990 | |
17 | Bankura | 157453 | 131569725 | 134708280 | 13618427 | 5209 | 16771533 | |
18 | Purulia | 134034 | 70192720 | 78702440 | 3336604 | 1019 | 2795162 | |
19 | Paschim | |||||||
Medinipur | 246326 | 159629885 | 157023460 | 12952287 | 4440 | 12114756 | ||
20 | Purba Medinipur | 569139 | 482337630 | 506352080 | 33465697 | 8314 | 25017064 | |
T | O T | A L | 50,92,038 | 381,10,69,590 | 405,82,44,030 | 29,89,47,572 | 1,22,430 | 47,27,40,223 |
Year-wise Progress under SASPFUW
Sl | Number of | Amount collected as | Matching | ||
Financial Year | Contribution | ||||
No | Subscribers enrolled | Subscription (Rs.) | |||
Deposited (Rs.) | |||||
1 | 2000-2001 | – | – | ||
2 | 2001-2002 | 107036 | 2202340 | 2202340 | |
3 | 2002-2003 | 324201 | 49358920 | 22589060 | |
4 | 2003-2004 | 104424 | 75264460 | 60636460 | |
5 | 2004-2005 | 72340 | 88958640 | 109499660 | |
6 | 2005-2006 | 75480 | 90103900 | 123819560 | |
7 | 2006-2007 | 159774 | 111364960 | 108591840 | |
8 | 2007-2008 | 230378 | 149510800 | 141883220 | |
9 | 2008-2009 | 306195 | 167961200 | 153781870 | |
10 | 2009-2010 | 346827 | 236373360 | 134426000 | |
11 | 2010-2011 | 641914 | 286548660 | 284524090 | |
12. | 2011-2012 | 585284 | 437054980 | 399910000 | |
13 | 2012-2013 | 742937 | 480668495 | 473690000 | |
14 | 2013-2014 | 753149 | 823514335 | 860000000 | |
15 | 2014-2015 | 642099 | 812184540 | 1182689930 | |
TOTAL | 5092038 | 3811069590 | 4058244030 |
- Computerization of SASPFUW records:
With a view to keeping a permanent and accurate record of a large number of subscribers and maintaining
transparency in the accounts of the accumulated subscriptions paid by the unorganized workers, of
accumulated matching contributions & interests paid by the Govt. and also for quicker delivery of benefits
to the subscribers, the Board decided for computerization of SASPFUW records through an On-line Web-
based system developed by implementing agency viz. ITC-Infotech India Ltd. selected through a
transparent tender process.
Activities performed under Computerization of SASPFUW records
- Web Based Application Development is complete. On-line registration of beneficiaries and posting of transaction data started
- The application has undergone STQC audit and hosted on 1.9.2011 at West Bengal State Data Centre.
- Around 41 lakh data of beneficiary (Form-1) and transaction data in respect of about Rs. 330 crore which comprises of beneficiary contribution (Form – IV) and Government contribution have been entered and uploaded into the system. The rest of upload activity is in progress.
- Computer generated account slips (annual statement) are being distributed at places.
The Government of West Bengal is marching ahead with the citizen-centric mission of Social Security. The latest initiative in this approach is ‘SAMAJIK MUKTI CARD’ for the marginal & unorganized sector workers in the State. The Government has taken up the task of empowerment of all unorganised sector workers. The vision is to enroll all unorganized sector workers under SASPFUW, BOCWA and WBTWSS Schemes and the unorganized sector workers covered under SASPFUW are getting special smart cards called ‘SAMAJIK
Smart Card (with 32 KB memory) based solution for Samajik Mukti Card will bring immense benefits:
- An online web based application in connection with administration of SASPFUW Scheme is already in operation and would become fully functional in the near future. A beneficiary would be able to have an access to his / her records through this “Samajik Mukti Card”.
- “Samajik Mukti Card” can be used by an unorganized worker at any of the 68 Regional labour Offices (R.L.O) at districts and subdivisions as well as in all 480 Labour Welfare Facilitation Centres (L.W.F.C) in blocks and Municipalities. All such offices are provided with computer along with card reader and card writer. On inserting the card in the card reader / writer, the required information will be seen on computer screen. Once transaction is made and /or benefits are availed by a worker, it will be automatically updated and shown in the computer screen. The card reader/ writer system will be connected to the Central SASPFUW Server hosted at SDC.
- “Samajik Mukti Card” is a photo identity smart card for unorganized workers. The card could be read from any R.L.O or L.W.F.C. The records of transaction made and/or benefits availed are electronically maintained and data is tamper proof and highly secured.
It is also an attempt to integrate all social security benefits available for the unorganized workers.
Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal Launched the issue of ‘Samajik Mukti Cards’ to the unorganized
sector workers on 26.07.2012 at Netaji Indoor Stadium, Kolkata.
So far around 29 lakh cards have been prepared.
The West Bengal Unorganised Sector Workers Health Security Scheme (WBUSWHSS)
West Bengal Unorganised Sector Workers’ Health Security Scheme
In order to extend social security measures for the beneficiaries covered under the scheme SASPFUW Government of West Bengal has introduced the ‘West Bengal Unorganised Sector Workers Health Security Scheme’ vide Labour Department’s Resolution No. 34-IR Dated 05/01/2011.
The scheme applies to all Unorganised Sector workers covered under the State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganised Workers (SASPFUW) and who are not a member of the RSBY scheme or a beneficiary under Building & Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996 or a beneficiary under the West Bengal Transport Workers Social Security Scheme or covered under Beedi Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1976, or members/ beneficiaries under such other schemes as may be decided by the State Government.
Eligibility :
- Beneficiary may be allowed assistance for treatment of ailments and consequential cost towards clinical test and purchase of medicine provided that (a) such ailment required hospitalization for not less than five days and (b) such beneficiary was not defaulter in depositing his /her contribution in the SASPFUW during the last two accounting year.
- No such claim shall be admissible if the hospitalization was made in any hospital other than a
Government hospital.
Benefits :
Initially, by virtue of the Resolution No.34-IR Dated 05.01.2011 the unorganized sector workers covered under SASPFUW used to get medical benefits upto Rs. 5000/- per annum under the Scheme. The State Government amended the West Bengal Unorganised Sector Workers’ Health Security Scheme vide Notification No.890-IR Dated 19.09.2012 and by virtue of the amendment of the scheme the unorganized sector workers covered under SASPFUW are now entitled to get financial assistance;
- in case of ailments upto Rs.10,000/- in the following maner:
- A beneficiary under the scheme may be entitled to get financial assistance up to the limit of maximum Rs. 10, 000/- only per annum.
- Claim from a beneficiary may be accepted for more than once in a year but total assistance shall not be exceeded Rs. 10,000/- per annum.
- The benefits to be provided for (a) clinical tests – full (b) cost of medicine – full (c) assistance for hospitalization – Rs.1, 000/- for the last 5 days and additional amount of Rs.100/- per day for the
remaining days.
- A nominee of a beneficiary under SASPFUW is entitled to a relief of
- 1, 50, 000 /- only in cases of death of the beneficiary arising out of an accident and
- 50,000 /- only in cases of normal death of the beneficiary.
The scheme is implemented by the Labour Department through the West Bengal Unorganised Sector Workers’ Welfare Board.
A District-wise Cumulative Progress Report under WBUSWHSS up to the Month of March, 2015 is shown below
No of beneficiaries benefited | Amount disbured as health benefit (in Rs.) | ||||||||||
SL | Name of the | medical | Death benefit | Medical | Death benefit | ||||||
No. | Districts | benefit | natural | accidental | Total | benefit | Natural | Accidental | TOTAL | ||
I | II | III | IV | V | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | ||
1 | Jalpaiguri | 5 | 99 | 21 | 125 | 49502 | 4950000 | 3150000 | 8149502 | ||
Alipurduar | 4 | 40 | 2 | 46 | 17780 | 2000000 | 300000 | 2317780 | |||
2 | Cooch Behar | 33 | 116 | 9 | 158 | 213955 | 5800000 | 1350000 | 7363955 | ||
3 | Darjeeling | 52 | 139 | 14 | 205 | 319588 | 6950000 | 2100000 | 9369588 | ||
Uttar | |||||||||||
4 | Dinajpur | 25 | 174 | 1 | 200 | 190205 | 8700000 | 150000 | 9040205 | ||
Dakshin | |||||||||||
5 | Dinajpur | 26 | 105 | 9 | 140 | 113565 | 5250000 | 1350000 | 6713565 | ||
6 | Malda | 93 | 523 | 17 | 633 | 606997 | 26150000 | 2550000 | 29306997 | ||
7 | Murshidabad | 15 | 220 | 8 | 243 | 84947 | 11000000 | 1200000 | 12284947 | ||
8 | Nadia | 64 | 258 | 27 | 349 | 368333 | 12900000 | 4050000 | 17318333 | ||
North 24 | |||||||||||
9 | Parganas | 37 | 252 | 24 | 313 | 238788 | 12600000 | 3600000 | 16438788 | ||
10 | Kolkata | 56 | 90 | 4 | 150 | 385886 | 4500000 | 600000 | 5485886 | ||
South 24 | |||||||||||
11 | parganas | 166 | 545 | 30 | 741 | 1000990 | 27250000 | 4500000 | 32750990 | ||
12 | Howrah | 149 | 391 | 33 | 573 | 848192 | 19550000 | 4950000 | 25348192 | ||
13 | Hooghly | 62 | 214 | 27 | 303 | 365252 | 10700000 | 4050000 | 15115252 | ||
14 | Burdwan | 41 | 420 | 34 | 495 | 207138 | 21000000 | 5100000 | 26307138 | ||
15 | Birbhum | 36 | 132 | 16 | 184 | 171125 | 6600000 | 2400000 | 9171125 | ||
16 | Bankura | 63 | 229 | 16 | 308 | 261457 | 11450000 | 2400000 | 14111457 | ||
17 | Purulia | 38 | 138 | 12 | 188 | 183830 | 6900000 | 1800000 | 8883830 | ||
Paschim | |||||||||||
18 | Medinipur | 130 | 338 | 48 | 516 | 713473 | 16900000 | 7200000 | 24813473 | ||
Purba | |||||||||||
19 | Medinipur | 23 | 272 | 52 | 347 | 190898 | 13600000 | 7800000 | 21590898 | ||
TOTAL | 1118 | 4695 | 404 | 6217 | 6531901 | 234750000 | 60600000 | 301881901 | |||
Qualification Criteria
The underneath candidates who fulfill the beneath rules can profit the advantages under this plan
All Self-utilized laborers and day by day breadwinners are covered under this plan
As far as possible standards of the specialists should be between 18 to 60 years in the sloppy area.
The normal pay breaking point of the specialists family should not surpass Rs.6500 each month.
The area of the work should be in West Bengal state.
The specialists the individuals who are as of now covered under the Employee’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act won’t be able to apply for this plan.
Rundown (List) of Unorganized Industries
The beneath recorded are the Unorganized Industries are as follows:-
Fitting Industries with under 20 specialists
Shops and Establishments having under 20 specialists
Modern Bakeries holding 20 specialists and underneath
A worker occupied with the stock of Bakery Products.
Handloom Weaving Industry
Bungalow and limited scope ventures/Village-based Cottage Industry (Boatman administration work, Bangle fabricating works, Firework, Chakki Mills, Kite and Kite sticks making works, Earthen earthenware making, Paddy Husking, Embroidery and Zari Chicon Works)
Lac Industry with under 20 specialists
Coordinated Child Development Services (ICDS)/Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
Vehicle Repairing Garages working with under 20 laborers
Security Agencies and Printing Press enterprises
Book Binding industry
Cowhide and Leather merchandise administrations
Hosiery and Saw Mil
Plastic Industry and Small Scale Engineering Units
Clinical Nursing Homes/Private Hospitals
Silk Printing industry
Dal Mill, Oil Mill and Bone Mill
Improvement, Paper Board and Straw Board Manufacturing industry.
Beedi Making
Boatman Service
Sericulture and Rice Mill including Husking Mill.
Ranger service and Timber industry, Rubber Products and Foot Wear enterprises (Leather, Rubber, Plastic)
Butcher House/Type Copying Work
Powerloom industry
Limited scope Chemical Units.
Iron Foundry/Brassware
Cashew Processing/Ceramic.
Khadi and Village Industries
Clinical Plants Other than Cinchona
Inn and Restaurant ventures
Film enterprises
Foot Wear enterprises (Leather, Rubber, Plastic)