after successfully submit pm kisan from, If CsC not cleared their payment , then farmer doesn’t get sleep or successful details, what is the solution, how to correct farmer details, let’s start :- 👇📝(I lot to know a lot to discuss)

  • login CSC connect
  • fresh farmer registration
  • after successful registration
  • print farmer successful slip

if face any problem for payment what can I do :-

  • if farmer payment not done after successful registration, click due payment
  • after failed payment click farmer details

if any problem for payment it doesn’t create

now the news for not payment clear from CSC there is no problem for this farmers, the farmer successful recreate there registration,

this verification on defending for state level verification.

steps :-

IMG 20200118 211917
IMG 20200118 211947
IMG 20200118 212006

Report saw in due payment list…

IMG 20200118 212943
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