Some TC & TP Are Close In PBSSD (Reason Below)

The Major Penalty Clauses for De-empanelment of Training Providers are:

i. use of any kind Of fraudulent means, such as malware software, ghost trainees etc. to achieve targets in any of its affiliated centres

ii. Training centre physically doesn’t exist at the address provided.

iii. Students physically present at a centre is less than 90% or that Of biometric attendance recorded for any given day.

iv. Obstructing any staff or representative of PBSSD from inspecting any Training Centre.

The Major Penalty Clauses for De-empanelment OfTraining Centres are:

I. Closing of Training Centre without prior approval/intimation to PBSSD,

ii.No rent/tenancy agrccment is available with the Training Centre in the name of the Training Provider.

iii Non-availability Of mandatory equipment as per SSC guidelines.

ivTraining Centres being run on Franchisee mode.

Annotation 2019 05 27 090629
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