iOSMSv2 Online salary management system IOSMS V2 Payslip (

iOSMSv2 Online salary management system IOSMS V2 Payslip (

WBSED IOSMS Portal West Bengal – Login to apply for Teacher Transfer, Download Pay Slip / Salary Slip etc. at

Name of the Portal Integrated Salary Management System (IOSMS)
Official Website

Official Website :

Integrated Salary Management System (iOSMS) V2 is an efficacious initiative of The School Education Department of Govt. of West Bengal to process employee related HR activities for both Secondary & Primary under single virtual architecture designed & developed by NIC, West Bengal.

Prior to introduction of iOSMS as anfurtherance of OSMS, let us have a look at the previous manual system for payment of salary to the employee of the Govt-Aided / Sponsored schools in WB.

Coverage Information


DDO- 60

Contact Us

Department of School Education

Government of West Bengal

 Address: Bikash Bhavan, 5th & 6th floor
DF Block, Sector-1, Salt Lake City
Kolkata, West Bengal 700091 e-mail:

Directorate of School Education

Government of West Bengal

 Address: Bikash Bhavan, 7th floor
DF Block, Sector-1, Salt Lake City
Kolkata, West Bengal 700091 e-mail:

General Instructions to the DPSC/DDO and SIS/HOI for correction of

employee profiles and sending corrected profiles to ePension portal
After transferring of Employee Profiles from iOSMS portal to e-Pension portal, quite a few no of anomalies
found due to incorrect entry of employee profiles in iOSMS. As a result, online pension submission is getting
delayed. So it becomes extremely urgent to update those profiles. All DDO/DPSCs & HOI/SISs should take
necessary steps to modify it in war footing basis.
Please check the following points, indicates that, which fields of the employee profile can be changed
from which end from now on.
A. Editable at DDO/DPSC login
Employee Name (spelling mistake, surname etc.)
B. Editable at HOI /SIS login
(i) Personal Details:
1. Date of first entry in valid service as per service book
2. Joining Date (Present Post)
3. Joining Date (Present School)
4. Approval of Appointment Number
5. Approval of Appointment Date
6. Father’s Name
7. Mother’s Name
8. Religion
9. Mother Tongue
10. Marital status
11. Spouse Name (if married)
12. Whether spouse is employed
13. Employment Details of Spouse
14. Residential Status
15. Blood Group
16. Whether Differently abled
17. Height
18. Identification Marks
(ii) Contact Details:
All fields of Contact Details are editable at SIS/HOI
**In case of DOB/DOR/Bank A/c Details change, present procedure to be maintained by HOI/SIS &

Important instructions to SIS/HOI after modification of employee profile:

1. All SIS/HOI should download profile, print & get signed by concerned employee and store it.
2. SIS/HOIs are requested to send an intimation regarding modification of employee profile in iOSMS portal to
his/her concerned DI/ADI/DPSC through email. The following details of employee to be provided during
(a) Name of the employee
(b) Employee Code
(c) iOSMS School Code
(d) School Name
(e) Date of Retirement
3. DI/ADI/DPSC will gather all intimations from HOI/SIS and send to DSE ePension Integration.
4. HOI/SIS are requested to wait at least 7 to 10 days for taking effect in ePension Portal after sending
intimation to DI/ADI/DPSC regarding correction of profile.
Please do not send any ePension related matters to


Qn : What are different mode of operations in Utsashree & iOSMS ?
Ans : Please follow the table below for better understanding
Sl Access point / Operation Utsashree iOSMS
1 Profile addition for newly recruited employee
2 Profile modification before/after finalisation
3 View employee profile
4 Employee photo upload
5 Issues related to post sanction & vacancy (Secondary)
6 Issues related to inter school transfer of profile
7 Accept/Reject transfer application by employee online
8 Request to DDO/DPSC for change of Bank Account
9 Request to DDO/DPSC for change of Date of Birth
10 Change of Login password
11 Submission of monthly salary
12 Submission of Bonus
13 Download/Print monthly Salary Requisition
14 Pay Slip generation of employee
15 Print Annual Salary Statement /Deduction Statement
16 Submission of employees’ all type of increments
17 Submission of request to DDO for 18 yrs increment
18 Set ranking of employees to be appeared in requisition
19 Data Sharing to e-pension for retiring/retired employee
20 Tracking status of data sharing with e-pension
21 Issues related to attendance of ICT Instructor
Note : Any Inclusion / modification in Utsashree is being auto forwarded to iOSMS
Please wait 1 working day to take effect in iOSMS from Utsashree
But there is no scope of reverse data flow from iOSMS to Utsashree.


Qn 1.1 : How to add profile of a newly recruited employee ?
Ans : Please download and print a blank DCF (Data Capture Format) which is available in
Download Menu. Get it filled by newly joined employee. Upload employee data in
Utsashree (Master Directory Management > Add New Employee). Employee data is
divided in 4 parts. After each part save and continue to next part.
Qn 2.1 : Can I modify any data after this ?
Ans : Yes, You must download the pdf version of the data submitted. Get it printed and
cross checked by the newly joined employee. Every data can be modified before
finalization. In case of any modification follow :
Master Directory Management > Edit Employee Profile before Finalization.
Finalize the profile for forwarding DDO/DPSC.
Qn 2.2 : Can I modify any data after finalization ?
Ans : You can modify certain fields of profile data after acceptance of higher authority
followed by generation of Employee ID by the system. The following fields can be
modified : Employee Marital Status, Spouse Details, Contact No, Employee Address
or any field desired by Department time to time.
Qn 3.1 : Can I view Employee Profile after finalization ?
Ans : Yes, It is available both in Utsashree & iOSMS. Please follow path :
Master Directory Management > View Employee Profile.
But, downloading pdf of profile is available only at iOSMS
Qn 4.1 : How can I upload Employee photo ?
Ans : It is available in Utsashree. Follow the path :
Master Directory Management > Employee Photo Upload
The photo to be uploaded should be in jpeg format (max size 50 Kb)
Qn 5.1 : How can I upload details of sanctioned posts ? (for HOI of Secondary/HS only)
Ans : Please follow the menus under Sanction Post Management under Utsashree.
Qn 6.1 : An employee under me got a transfer order to join another school.
How can I transfer his profile online to that School ?
Ans : It is available in Utsashree under Employee Profile Transfer.
Please note, you should requisition his full salary upto the last day in the month of
release. Say, if you are releasing him from your school on 1st March, claim his salary
upto 31st March from your school.
On 1st April, proceed to transfer his profile online positively to his new school.
Profile Transfer From School A to School B
Primary > SI of School A to initiate (Intra Circle, Intra District & Inter District transfer)
Secondary > HOI of School B to initiate, HOI of School A to accept.
Qn 7.1 : An employee under me applied for General Transfer online, what is my responsibility ?
Ans : Several sub menus available in Utsashree under General Transfer Menu.
Please follow guidelines to deal with. You should reject or forward the application as
early as possible. In case of forwarding please attach NOC, in case of rejection please
give reason thereon.
Qn 8.1 : An employee under me wants to change his Salary Account. How to do that ?
Ans : First of all receive an application from the employee for reason of modification. A No
Objection Certificate required from concerned bank. Please submit request online at
Utsashree under Bank Details Update. Submit hardcopy of his application, NOC and new
Bank Details to DDO/DPSC for modification.
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Qn 8.2 : An Employee wants to change IFSC of Bank, keeping same account, what to do ?
Ans : You can modify IFSC from your login, modify it from his profile as discussed in Qn 2.2
Qn 9.1 : Date of Birth of an employee found wrong after finalization, how to modify ?
Ans : First of all take a declaration from the concerned employee with sufficient proof.
Follow DOB/DOR modification under Utsashree (Separate menu available for Active &
Retired Employee). Send request to DDO/DPSC online. Submit hardcopy of application
with proof to DDO/DPSC. It will be modified by DDO/DPSC.
Qn 10.1 : How can I change my Login Password ?
Ans : It is available under Settings Menu of both Utsashree & iOSMS separately. You may
change any one or both.
Qn 10.2 : I forgot my Login Password. How to get it ?
Ans : Please approach to your DDO/DPSC to reset.
Qn 11.1 : How can I submit monthly salary of employees under me ?
Ans : It is available under iOSMS under Transaction Directory Management. Before
submission of salary please check name of all employees appear in salary table.
Qn 11.2 : Can I take printout of submitted salary data after saving but before finalization ?
Ans : Yes, you should do it every month and share your employees for cross checking.
A foot note will appear in the printout as “Salary Not yet finalized”. You can modify
salary data if required as it is not finalized by you.
Qn 11.3 : In case any modification required after finalization, what to do ?
Ans : Please request your DDO/DPSC to unlock, it is at his discretion to unlock .
Qn 11.4 : How HRA of an employee is calculated in salary table ?
Ans : HRA of an employee is related to his/her spouse HRA (if spouse is employed).
As per ROPA 19, HRA = Minimum of 12% of BP & (12,000 – Spouse HRA).
To modify HRA, in case of change of spouse HRA, modify Spouse HRA from profile in
Utsashree as discussed in Qn 2.2. Spouse residing in Govt Housing will not get HRA.
Qn 11.5 : If working spouse is residing separately, can both of them claim full HRA ?
Ans : Please approach to DDO/DPSC vide Memo No 955-SE dated 27.07.2011.
Qn 11.6 : How contribution to GPF is calculated in salary table by the System ?
Ans : Minimum GPF = 6% on BP, Maximum GPF = 50% on BP, you may deduct GPF
contribution of an employee as desired by him followed by the rule.
The system allows GPF to be zero (optional) prior to 6 months of retirement, but prior
to 3 months of retirement GPF to be zero (mandatory).
Please follow Memo No 8912-F(J) dated 01/11/2012 on GPF contribution.
Qn 11.8 : How to deduct I.Tax (TDS) of an employee.
Ans : Please follow I.Tax rule and deduct accordingly.
Qn 11.9 : How P.Tax is calculated ?
Ans : It is auto calculated by the system on Gross Salary. For Physically Handicapped as per
employee profile P.Tax is zero as per rule.
Qn 11.10 : How to claim Conveyance Allowance in iOSMS of a Physically Handicapped employee ?
Ans : Please approach to DDO/DPSC vide Memo No 745-SE(S)/3A-2/08 dated 19.07.2008.
Qn 11.11 : I took charge as TIC of my school. How to get Additional Allowance ?
Ans : It is allowable for Secondary/HS school only, approach your DDO for approval.
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Qn 11.12 : Whether an AHM in charge of TIC is allowed to get additional benefit of TIC ?
Ans : No, he is already enjoying Additional Remuneration as AHM.
Qn 11.13 : How Additional Remuneration for HT (Primary)/HOI (Secondary) is calculated ?
Ans : HT of all Primary Schools are eligible, but HOI of a Secondary School with HS Section
are eligible for this benefit. The System allows it considering the designation of the
employee and status of school. In case school status changed due to upgradation
from High to HS, approach your DDO to modify school status to allow Additional
Remuneration of HOI.
Qn 11.14 : How to deduct overdrawn from salary ?
Ans : Overdrawn occurred in same financial year may deducted by single or more
installments from salary. Open salary table of the employee, enter amount of
overdrawn, the amount will reduce Gross Salary.
Qn 11.15 : If BP of any employee got enhancement due to any reason, how to modify it ?
Ans : Please approach to DDO/DPSC with relevant document for modification of BP.
Qn 11.16 : How Medical Allowance is related to Health Scheme ?
Ans : There is a field in profile of employee. Please modify it in Utsashree as discussed in
Qn 2.2, as soon as the employee becomes under such scheme whether by him or by
his/her spouse (family coverage). The MA will be zero thereafter by the system.
Qn 12.1 : How to submit Bonus in iOSMS ?
Ans : Bonus submission is allowed in iOSMS in 2 slots, Id-Ul-Fitre (for muslims) and Festival
Bonus (for all during Durga Puja). At the time Eid bonus, the system filters the list of
employees as per his/her religion profile. Justify his/her bonus claim as per criteria
with respect to the pay as determined by the Govt. in that year. If criteria satisfies,
you can submit bonus online in iOSMS.
Qn 12.2 : I forgot to submit Eid Bonus in due time of a muslim employee, what to do ?
Ans : Don’t worry, you can get another chance to submit at the time of Puja Bonus.
Qn 13.1 : How to download previous requisitions (in pdf) of my school (For Secondary) ?
Ans : It is available under Transaction Directory Management of iOSMS.
Qn 14.1 : How to download pay slip of my employees’ ?
Ans : It is available under Report Directory Management of iOSMS.
Qn 14.2 : An employee was in a different school before, can I download his older pay slips ?
Ans : Yes, you can download his older pay slips in his previous school, if his profile was
transferred online. Pay slip will indicate name of his previous school.
Qn 15.1 : How can I download Annual Salary Statement/Deduction Statement (For Secondary) ?
Ans : It is available under Report Directory Management of iOSMS.
Qn 16.1 : How to submit increment of an employee ?
Ans : There are different types of increments allowable to a permanent employee, viz
Annual Increment (In July every year), 10/20yr increment & 18yr (upto Pay Level 11).
Please follow the path in iOSMS before submitting salary:
Salary Increment > Submit Salary Increment
In July every year you will get an additional column (Periodical Increment) to submit
Annual Increment.
In other months the system checks whether an employee is eligible for 10/20 yrs
increment as per his data of first join in service, the corresponding check box under
10/20 yrs will be activated to allow you to submit the increment.
Please note, as per ROPA 19 rules, if you allow such increment in between January &
June, he will not be entitled to get Annual Increment by the system in July. So be
careful in this regard not to give such increments in between January & June. He will be
entitled to enjoy this increment in July in addition to his Annual Increment.
Please give date of effect to enjoy such increment considering his leave without pay.
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Qn 17.1 : How to submit 18 yrs benefit ?
Ans : For 18 yrs increment (Allowable upto Pay Level 11), please submit request :
Salary Increment > Submit Approval for 18 yrs
Subsequently submit hardcopies to DDO/DPSC in support of such benefit. DDO/DPSC
will allow you to submit this benefit.
Follow 18 yrs check box thereafter as described 10/20 yrs in Qn 16.1, submit 18yrs benefit.
Qn 18.1 : How to set rank in requisition ? (For Secondary)
Ans : It is available in iOSMS under Employee Ranking. Press Up/Down Arrow to set.
Qn 19.1 : One of my employee is due to retire, how to get OTP to submit his pension ?
Ans : Normally, OTP is sent by e-pension portal as data fetched from iOSMS before 12
months of his retirement. Say an employee is going to retire on last day of August, he
will get OTP in first week of September in previous year. However, due to some reason,
if he did not get OTP in due time, please check the path in iOSMS :
Master Directory Management > Retired Employee Details
Please check whether any error detected by the system against his name, if not click
Send to DPPG button to get instant OTP.
Qn 19.2 : One of my employee died in-service, how to proceed for his family pension ?
Ans : First of all check his marital status as “Married” in Utsashree, if not modify accordingly.
Now approach to your DDO/DPSC with relevant document of death to record claimant
entry in iOSMS. The Claimant will get OTP shortly to submit pension.
Qn 20.1 : Can I track data sharing status from iOSMS to e-Pension ?
Ans : Yes, from same menu, check Status as “Success” or “Failed”,
if failed contact DDO/DPSC
Qn 21.1 : Where to submit Leave of ICT instructor engaged in Secondary School ?
Ans : It is available in iOSMS. HOI of Secondary Schools to submit leave enjoyed by ICT
instructor every month vide Memo No 192 dated 16/10/2020.
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