West Bengal entry exit pass

বাইরের রাজ্য থেকে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে আসার জন্য অথবা পশ্চিমবঙ্গ থেকে বাইরের রাজ্যে যাওয়ার জন্য পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার চালু করেছে ই-পাস,

১।রাজ্যের বাইরে ছোট গাড়ী নিয়ে  যাওয়ার জন্য।
২।বাস নিয়ে দলবেঁধে  রাজ্যের বাইরে যাওয়ার জন্য।
৩। বাইরের রাজ্য থেকে ছোট গাড়ি নিয়ে  এই রাজ্যে ফিরে আসার জন্য।
৪। বাস নিয়ে দলবেঁধে এই রাজ্যে  অন্য রাজ্য থেকে  ফিরে আসার জন্য।

Document :

  1. Aadhaar card,
  2. Digital ration Card
  3. Address Proof
  4. Photo
  5. Recent Location
  6. Number Of person
  7. Covid-19 Test report

> E PASS http://epassinterdistrictwb.semtwb.in/aspx/passbookinginterdistrict.aspx

Screenshot 2021 05 28 212339

  1. E-pass for Inter District Movement – http://epassinterdistrictwb.semtwb.in/aspx/passbookinginterdistrict.aspx

  2. E-pass for Intra District Movement (except kolkata police area) http://epassintradistrictwb.semtwb.in/aspx/passbooking.aspx

Visit West Bengal Covid – 19 Portal : – https://excise.wb.gov.in/CHMS/Portal_Default.aspx

West Bengal Covid Report : https://wb.gov.in/COVID-19.aspx

** Update ( Now Covid – 19 Report Card is required for Visit West Bengal ) 

Annotation 2020 05 06 215858

Entry pass :- 

Annotation 2020 05 06 220004

Exit pass : –

Annotation 2020 05 09 003656 Annotation 2020 05 09 003634

Details Link
group exit
Exit Pass
Entry Pass http://covidwbgov.in/entry/aspx/signin.aspx
Govt. Website https://wb.gov.in/

West Bengal Entry Pass :

  1. Visit http://covidwbgov.in/entry/aspx/signin.aspx
  2. register with mobile number
  3. verify profile with mobile otp
  4. fill your name, family details
  5. verify address
  6. upload own photo
  7. upload aadhaar
  8. verify aadhaar, ration details
  9. fill your correct location
  10. after submit all details , submit Apply

West Bengal Exit Pass :

  1. Visit http://covidwbgov.in/entry/aspx/signin.aspx
  2. register with mobile number
  3. verify profile with mobile otp
  4. fill your name, family details
  5. verify address
  6. upload own photo
  7. upload aadhaar
  8. verify aadhaar, ration details
  9. fill your correct location
  10. after submit all details , submit Apply

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Information on movement of stranded persons within and outside the State of West Bengal

Information on movement of stranded persons within and outside the State of West Bengal 1 . For the convenience of all persons, stranded within and outside the State of West Bengal, an automated e-Pass system has been developed and uploaded in the Egiye Bangla portal: www.wb.gov.in for entry to and exit from West Bengal by own arrangements, 2 . Intending persons just need t o enter t he required d etails a t the link provided below and can get the required pass generated: a. Link for EXIT pass from West Bengal http://covidwbgov.in/exit/aspx/Signin.aspx b. Link for ENTRY pass for small vehicles to enter West Bengal http://covidwbgov.in/entry/aspx/signin.aspx c. Link for ENTRY PASS for persons travelling in groups with large vehicles to enter West Bengal http://covidwbgov.co.in/GROUPENTRY/aspx/signin.aspx 3. Inter-state residents stuck in West Bengal and West Bengal residents stuck in other states may register their details with us by sending ‘hi’ to Whatsapp No 8017845555 or send SMS to 51969. SMS message in the format : WBCOVIDsource pincodedestination pincodeno of passengers( in two digits) and send it to 51969. Example: WB COVID 560097 700015 04 or Contact : Control Room (033-22141995/2214 3526)- 24×7 functional or Toll Free No: 1070 for details- 24×7 functional

1. For the convenience of all persons, stranded within and outside the State of West Bengal, an automated e-Pass system has been developed and uploaded in the Egiye Bangla portal: www.wb.gov.in for entry to and exit from West Bengal by own arrangements,

2. Intending persons just n eed t o enter t he required d etails a t the link provided below and can get the required pass generated:

a. Link for EXIT pass from West Bengal http://covidwbgov.in/exit/aspx/Signin.aspx

b. Link for ENTRY pass for small vehicles to enter West Bengal http://covidwbgov.in/entry/aspx/signin.aspx

c. Link for ENTRY PASS for persons travelling in groups with large vehicles to enter West Bengal  http://covidwbgov.co.in/GROUPENTRY/aspx/signin.aspx

3. Inter-state residents stuck in West Bengal and West Bengal residents stuck in other states may register their details with us by sending ‘hi’ to Whatsapp No 8017845555or send SMS to 51969. SMS message in the format : WB<Space>COVID<Space>source pincode<Space>destination pincode<Space>no of passengers( in two digits) and send it to 51969.Example: WB COVID 560097 700015 04

or, Contact : Control Room (033-22141995/2214 3526)- 24×7 functionalor Toll FreeNo: 1070 for details- 24×7 functional

এইরকম পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সমস্ত আপডেট পেতে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে জুড়ে থাকুন https://www.facebook.com/wbupdate/

West Bengal state government start to welcome migrant workers for other state , in this Covid – 19 pandamic , to relief west bengal state migrant worker for other state, start a webportal for registration migrant worker to entry or exit other state worker for her own home , more update visit West Bengal state website wb.gov.in

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”বাইরের রাজ্য থেকে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে আসার জন্য ?” answer-0=”১।রাজ্যের বাইরে ছোট গাড়ী নিয়ে  যাওয়ার জন্য। ২।বাস নিয়ে দলবেঁধে  রাজ্যের বাইরে যাওয়ার জন্য। ৩। বাইরের রাজ্য থেকে ছোট গাড়ি নিয়ে  এই রাজ্যে ফিরে আসার জন্য। ৪। বাস নিয়ে দলবেঁধে এই রাজ্যে  অন্য রাজ্য থেকে  ফিরে আসার জন্য।” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”এসএমএস করতে হবে ?” answer-1=”WBCOVIDsource pincodedestination pincodeno of passengers(in two digits) ০৩৩-২২১৪১৯৯৫” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]


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