Govt. of West Bengal has launched Rupashree Scheme. In this scheme one time financial grant of Rs. 25,000/- will be given to girls above 18 years old for marriage purpose.
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দুয়ারে সরকার ক্যাম্পেনে রূপশ্রী
- (ক) আবেদনকারীর বয়স অন্ততঃ ১৮ বছর হয় এবং আবেদনপত্র জমা করার সময় সে অবিবাহিত হয়।
- (গ) প্রস্তাবিত বিয়েটি তার প্রথম বিয়ে হয়।
- (ঘ) আবেদনকারী পশ্চিমবঙ্গের স্থায়ী বাসিন্দা অথবা গত ৫ বছর যাবৎ পশ্চিমবঙ্গের স্থায়ী বাসিন্দা অথবা পিতা-মাতা পশ্চিমবঙ্গের স্থায়ী বাসিন্দা হয়।
- (ঙ) যার পারিবারিক বাৎসরিক আয় ১ লক্ষ ৫০ হাজার টাকা বা তার কম হয় এবং
- (চ) প্রস্তাবিত পাত্রের বয়স অন্ততঃ ২১ বছর হয়।
- (ছ) তার নিজের নামে এমন একটি ব্যাঙ্ক অ্যাকাউন্ট থাকবে যার IFS কোড ও MICR কোড আছে যেখানে ই- পেমেন্টের সুবিধা আছে।
আবেদনপত্রের সাথে কি কি নথি তথ্যের প্রয়োজন?
নিম্নলিখিত নথিগুলি আবেদনপত্রের সাথে জমা দিতে হবে :
- ক) আবেদনকারীর বয়সের প্রমাণপত্র (উল্লেখ্য তথ্যের স্বপ্রত্যায়িত ফটোকপি) জন্ম শংসাপত্র, ভোটের এপিক কার্ড/প্যান কার্ড/মাধ্যমিকের অ্যাডমিট কার্ড/আধার কার্ড/সরকার অনুমোদিত বিদ্যালয় ছাড়ার শংসাপত্র,
- খ) কখনোই বিবাহ করেননি, এই মর্মে আবেদনকারীর স্বঘোষণা,
- গ) পারিবারিক আয়: আবেদনকারীর স্বঘোষণা,
- ঘ) বসবাসের প্রমাণপত্র: আবেদনকারীর স্বঘোষণা,
- ঙ) ব্যাঙ্ক অ্যাকাউন্ট ব্যাঙ্কের বইয়ের যে পাতাগুলিতে অ্যাকাউন্ট হোন্ডারের নাম, অ্যাকাউন্ট নং, ব্যাঙ্কের নাম-ঠিকানা, IFS কোড ও MICR কোড এবং অন্যান্য তথ্যাদি আছে সেই পাতা/গুলি আবদনকারী দ্বারা স্বপ্রত্যায়িত নকল,
- চ) প্রস্তাবিত বিবাহের প্রমাণ: উল্লেখ্য যেকোনো একটি: বিবাহের নিমন্ত্রনের কার্ড/বিবাহ নথিভুক্তকরণের নোটিশ (ম্যারেজ রেজিস্ট্রেশন নোটিশ)/স্বঘোষণা,
- ছ) প্রস্তাবিত পাত্রের বয়সের প্রমাণপত্র নিম্নোক্তগুলির মধ্যে যে কোনো একটি জন্ম শংসাপত্র/ভোটের এপিক কার্ড/প্যান কার্ড/ মাধ্যমিকের অ্যাডমিট কার্ড/আধার কার্ড/প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় ছাড়ার শংসাপত্র (প্রস্তাবিত পাত্রের দ্বারা প্রত্যায়িত),
- জ) আবেদনকারী এবং প্রস্তাবিত পাত্রের সাম্প্রতিক রঙ্গিন পাসপোর্ট সাইজের ছবি।
কি ধরণের সুবিধা পাওয়া যায়?
Rupashree Prakalpa
Govt. of West Bengal has launched Rupashree Scheme. In this scheme one time financial grant of Rs. 25,000/- will be given to girls above 18 years old for marriage purpose. The girl’s family income should be less than Rs. 1,50,000/- per year.
Who can apply for Rupashree benefit?
Any woman can apply to this scheme who proposes to be married if her application satisfies the following criteria:
- She has attained the age of 18 years AND is unmarried on the date of submitting her application.
- The proposed marriage is her first marriage.
- She was born in West Bengal OR she has been a resident of West Bengal for the last 5 years OR her parents are permanent residents of West Bengal.
- Her family income is not greater than Rs. 1.50 lakhs per annum.
- Her prospective groom has attained the age of 21 years.
- She has an active bank account for which she is the sole account-holder. The bank account must be in a bank that has an IFS Code and an MICR code and transacts e-payments though NEFT.
Which documents are required?
Required supporting documents:
a) Proof of applicant’s age: Self-attested photo-copy of any one of the following: Birth Certificate / Voter ID card / PAN Card / Madhyamik Admit card / AADHAR card / Primary School Leaving Certificate
b) Never-married Status: Self-declaration on application form
c) Family income: Self-declaration certified by a Competent Authority
d) Proof of Residence: Self-Declaration certified by a Competent Authority
e) Bank Account: Self-attested photo-copy of page of bank book which provides complete details of the account holder’s name, account no., bank address, IFSC code and other details
f) Proof of proposed marriage: Any one of the following: Marriage Invitation Card / Notice for Registration of Marriage
g) Proof of prospective groom’s age: Photocopy of any one of the following: Birth Certificate / Voter ID card / PAN Card / Madhyamik Admit card / AADHAR card / Primary School Leaving Certificate (attested by prospective spouse)
h) Coloured passport size photographs of the applicant and the prospective groom
What type of assistance/ benefits is given?
The benefit is one time and amount is Rs. 25000/-
How can one get the form?
The Scheme’s Application form is available free-of-cost from the following offices:
a) Office of the Block Development Officer in case the applicant resides in a rural area
b) Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer in case the applicant resides in Municipal area
c) Office of the Commissioner in case the applicant resides in a Corporation area It can be downloaded from the website .
Where is the form submitted?
Submission of application forms, verification of supporting documents and registration of the same will be done by the Block, Sub-Divisional or Municipal Corporation Office under which her residence is located.
How is the application sanctioned and benefit disbursed?
Each application will be assigned to an Enquiry Officer, who will conduct a field verification and submit an enquiry report. The Sanctioning officer (BDO/ SDO/ Commissioner) shall sanction all applications that have been successfully verified, and reject those that have a negative report or are ineligible. The applicant whose application is rejected will be informed about such rejection. The Drawing and Disbursing Officer will transfer the sanctioned grant to the bank account of the beneficiary. It is now totally an online process and the website is
Rupashree Prakalpa Guidelines
Download: Rupashree Prakalpa Guidelines
Guidelines :
Department of Women and Child Development and Social Welfare Government of West Bengal
1 Scheme Design
1.1 About Rupashree Prakalpa
1. In the State Budget for the financial year 2018-19 tabled on 31st January 2018, the
Hon’ble Finance Minister, Government of West Bengal, announced a one-time financial
grant of Rs. 25,000 for economically stressed families at the time of their adult daughters’
2. The grant, to be provided under the name of “Rupashree Prakalpa”, is aimed at mitigating
the difficulties that poor families face in bearing the expenditure of their daughters’
marriages, for which they often have to borrow money at very high interest rates.
3. Rupashree Prakalpa will come into effect on 01 April, 2018 and will be applicable for all
marriages effected from 01 April, 2018.
4. The scheme will be implemented in all districts of West Bengal.
1.2 Definitions
In this Scheme, unless the context otherwise requires:
a) “Marriage” means and includes marital union between a sound male, not below the
age of 21 (twenty one) years and a female, not below the age of 18 (eighteen) years
both capable of giving free consent, solemnised by sacrament or any recognised
ritual, custom and convention or as a result of free contract or by registration under
the Special Marriage Act.
1.3 Eligibility Criteria
1. This scheme shall apply to any woman who proposes to be married if her application
satisfies the following criteria:
a) The applicant has attained the age of 18 years
b) She is unmarried on the date of submitting her application.
c) The proposed marriage is her first marriage.
d) She was born in West Bengal OR she has been a resident of West Bengal for the last
5 years OR her parents are permanent residents of West Bengal.
e) Her family income is not greater than Rs. 1.50 lakhs per annum.
f) Her prospective groom has attained the age of 21 years.
g) She has an active bank account for which she is the sole account-holder. The bank
account must be in a bank that has an IFS Code and an MICR code and transacts epayments though NEFT.
1.4 Method of applying for the scheme
1. The Scheme’s Application form will be available free-of-cost from the following offices:
a) Office of the Block Development Officer in case the applicant resides in a rural area
b) Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer in case the applicant resides in Municipal area
c) Office of the Municipal Commissioner in case the applicant resides in a Municipal
Corporation area
2. The following documents / certifications must be submitted along with the application form:
a) Proof of applicant’s age: Self-attested photo-copy of any one of the following: Birth
Certificate / Voter ID card / PAN Card / Madhyamik Admit card / AADHAR card /
Government recognized School Leaving Certificate
b) Never-married Status: Self-declaration
c) Family income: Self-declaration
d) Proof of Residence: Self-Declaration
e) Bank Account: Self-attested photo-copy of page of bank book which provides
complete details of the account holder’s name, account no., bank address, IFS Code
and MICR No. and other details
f) Proof of proposed marriage: Any one of the following: Marriage Invitation Card /
Notice for Registration of Marriage/ Self Declaration.
g) Proof of prospective groom’s age: Photocopy of any one of the following: Birth
Certificate / Voter ID card / PAN Card / Madhyamik Admit card / AADHAR card /
Government recognized School Leaving Certificate
h) Coloured passport size photographs of the applicant and the prospective groom.
3. The completed Application Form, along with all other necessary documents and
certifications must be submitted to the Office of the Block Development Officer, Office of
the Sub-Divisional Officer or Office of the Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation under
which the applicant’s residence is located
AND must be submitted not less than 30 days and not more than 60 days before the date of
the proposed marriage.
1.5 Method of disbursement
1. The scheme’s financial benefit will be paid by direct bank transfer to a bank account held
singly in the name of the applicant.
2 Operational Guidelines
2.1 Application Processing Cycle
2.1.1 On-demand availability of application forms
Un-numbered Application forms (Appendix I) will be free of cost, and will be available at all Block,
Sub-Divisional and Municipal Corporation Offices around the year. It can be downloaded from the
2.1.2 Submission of application forms and registration of the same
The applicant will submit the completed application form and all supporting documents to the Block,
Sub-Divisional or Municipal Corporation Office under which her residence is located.
Every block / SDO/ Municipal Corporation Office will maintain a Rupashree Register (Appendix II), and
the receiving officer will, upon receiving the application:
1. Generate an Application number (Format: 3-digit running serial number / Financial Year) in
the Rupashree Register, and fill in all the sections marked ‘for official use’ on the Application
2. Conduct a primary scrutiny of the application form to verify that all the fields in the form are
correctly filled in, and that all necessary documents are appropriately signed and attached.
3. If the application is complete in all respect and all the required documents are attached, the
receiving officer will mark the entry in the Rupashree Register as “Accepted”, and return a
duly signed and stamped Acknowledgement Slip to the applicant.
4. If the application is not complete, or the documents are insufficient, the receiving officer will
mark the entry in the Rupashree Register as “Returned”. The receiving officer will mention
the reason(s) for return on the Acknowledgement Slip, and return the duly signed and
stamped acknowledgement slip to the applicant, along with the application form and
supporting documents.
2.1.3 Verification of the Application and Enquiry Report
Each application will be assigned to an Enquiry Officer, who will conduct a field verification
and submit an Enquiry Report in the format provided in Appendix III
1. In the case of rural areas, an Extension Officer of the BDO will be the Enquiry Officer,
and will conduct the enquiry jointly with the Executive Assistant/Secretary of the
respective Gram Panchayat where the applicant resides. They will jointly visit the
residence of the applicant and enquire about the probable marriage for which the
assistance is applied. They will talk to the local residents / neighbours and collect
signature from five such persons supporting / disproving the applicant’s claim.
2. If the applicant is a resident of a Municipality, similar enquiry will be done through
two officers of sub-division and or Municipality under the supervision of SDO.
3. If the applicant is a resident of a Municipal Corporation, similar enquiry will be done
through two officers of Municipal Corporation under the supervision of
2.1.4 Sanction / Rejection of the application
The Sanctioning officer (BDO/ SDO/Commissioner) shall sanction all applications that have been
successfully verified, and reject those that have a negative report or are ineligible in the format
provided in Appendix III
The applicant whose application is rejected will be informed about such rejection.
2.1.5 Direct Bank Transfer for sanctioned applications through IFMS
The Drawing and Disbursing Officer will, based on fund availability, transfer the sanctioned grant
through IFMS to the bank account of the applicant. The Fund transfer must be executed at least five
days before the date of proposed marriage.
2.2 Grievance Redressal
1. Applicants / beneficiaries may report a grievance by phone, online, or by a letter to their
respect block, Sub-divisional or Municipal Corporation office.
2. Block, Sub-Division and Corporations shall ensure that proper record of the grievances
lodged by beneficiaries are maintained in a Rupashree Grievance Register (Appendix II-a),
and are addressed without delay.
3. To facilitate grievance handling, the districts shall:
a. Ensure that DPMU, block level, Corporations’ and sub-divisional level nodal officers’
phone numbers are displayed on the notice board of respective offices.
b. Ensure that all nodal officers adequately answer beneficiary queries and complaints.
c. Ensure that all nodal officers conduct regular meetings with staff concerned to
ensure that grievances are regularly addressed at local levels.
d. Develop IEC material to clarify the enrollment, scrutiny, sanctioning and benefit
transfer procedures, so that the scheme’s processes are transparent to all. Such IEC
should also give a realistic indication of the time frame of such processes, so that
beneficiaries’ anxieties are dispelled.
2.3 Monthly Reporting
1. Each project management unit shall provide a monthly status report of physical and financial
performance in the formats provided in Appendix IV
2.4 Scheme Monitoring
1. The scheme will be monitored at State, District and Sub-divisional levels for effective
3 Appendices
Appendix I: Application Form (attached herewith)
Appendix II: Rupashree Register
Column No. Column Title
1 Application No
2 Receipt Date
3 Name of Applicant
4 Date of Birth of Applicant
5 Address (with G.P./ Ward)
6 Contact No.
7 Date of Proposed Marriage
8 Pre-scrutiny status: Accepted or Returned
9 Signature of the receiving officer
10 Assigned for enquiry to (name)
11 Assigned for enquiry on (date)
12 Date of submission of Enquiry Report
13 Signature of Enquiring officer
13 Sanction / Rejection Status
14 Sanction / Rejection Date
15 Disbursement Date
Appendix IIa: Rupashree Grievance Register
Column No. Column Title
1 Serial No
2 Date
3 Name of Applicant
4 Address (with G.P./ Ward)
5 Contact No.
6 Application Form No. and date (if any)
7 Description of Complaint
8 Enquiry Date
10 Enquiry Remarks
11 Closure Date
12 Closure Remarks
Appendix III: Enquiry-cum-Sanction Form
Appendix IV: Monthly MIS
Rupashree Prakalpa Reporting for the Month of ______________________________________
Section A: Physical Performance Report
Blocks, subdivisions (for municipalities) and Municipal Corporations to send their MIS to the
District Magistrate on the first working day of each month.
District Magistrates to send MIS to the Rupashree State Project Management Unit by the 5th
working day of each month. MIS is to be sent in PDF (Signed by DM) as well as in Excel
FAQ : Rupashree Prakalpa
Who can apply for Rupashree benefit?
Any woman can apply to this scheme who proposes to be married if her application satisfies the following criteria:
● She has attained the age of 18 years AND is unmarried on the date of submitting her application.
● The proposed marriage is her first marriage.
● She was born in West Bengal OR she has been a resident of West Bengal for the last 5 years OR her parents are permanent residents of West Bengal.
● Her family income is not greater than Rs. 1.50 lakhs per annum.
● Her prospective groom has attained the age of 21 years.
● She has an active bank account for which she is the sole account-holder. The bank account must be in a bank that has an IFS Code and an MICR code and transacts e-payments though NEFT.
Which documents are required? Required supporting documents:
a) Proof of applicant’s age: Self-attested photo-copy of any one of the following: Birth Certificate / Voter ID card / PAN Card / Madhyamik Admit card / AADHAR card / Primary School Leaving Certificate
b) Never-married Status: Self-declaration on application form
c) Family income: Self-declaration certified by a Competent Authority
d) Proof of Residence: Self-Declaration certified by a Competent Authority
e) Bank Account: Self-attested photo-copy of page of bank book which provides complete details of the account holder’s name, account no., bank address, IFSC code and other details
f) Proof of proposed marriage: Any one of the following: Marriage Invitation Card / Notice for Registration of Marriage
g) Proof of prospective groom’s age: Photocopy of any one of the following: Birth Certificate / Voter ID card / PAN Card / Madhyamik Admit card / AADHAR card / Primary School Leaving Certificate (attested by prospective spouse)
h) Coloured passport size photographs of the applicant and the prospective groom
What type of assistance/ benefits is given?
The benefit is one time and amount is Rs.25000/-
How can one get the form?
The Scheme’s Application form is available free-of-cost from the following offices:
a) Office of the Block Development Officer in case the applicant resides in a rural area
b) Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer in case the applicant resides in Municipal area
c) Office of the Commissioner in case the applicant resides in a Corporation area
It can be downloaded from the website .
Where is the form submitted?
Submission of application forms, verification of supporting documents and registration of the same will be done by the Block, Sub-Divisional or Municipal Corporation Office under which her residence is located.
How is the application sanctioned and benefit disbursed?
Each application will be assigned to an Enquiry Officer, who will conduct a field verification and submit an enquiry report. The Sanctioning officer (BDO/ SDO/Commissioner) shall sanction all applications that have been successfully verified, and reject those that have a negative report or are ineligible. The applicant whose application is rejected will be informed about such rejection. The Drawing and Disbursing Officer will transfer the sanctioned grant to the bank account of the beneficiary. It is now totally an online process and the website is