*National Scholarship Portal Updates*
Dear Team,
National Scholorship Portal (OTR & Scholarship Form Filling) is now live through CSCs. VLEs can access it through DSP or https://scholarships.gov.in/otrapplication/
CSCs can now support applicants through assisted mode in One Time Registration and mandatory biometric authentication.
Bio authentication using finger print and iris is available through CsCs only.
*Rs 30 to be charged from applicants as service charge.*
*Few things to keep in mind:*
1- No HOI/INO bio auth is required before authentication of student.
2- No whitelisting of VLE is required.
3- Registration can be done through any CSC Center.
4- VLE has to take 30₹ from the applicant. Ministries will not pay any commission so if VLE is conducting any drive in camp mode then he needs to take money from applicant only.
5- Only authentication of students is allowed. No SNO/DNO/HoI/INO. If any SNO/DNO/HoI/INO approaches for bio auth, kindly guide them to connect with NSP Support.
6- Please don’t share the contact of any NSP officials to HOIs/INOs.
In case of any other queries, please let me know.
Wide publicity is required to capitalise the unique opportunity of the VLEs.