HOW TO APPLY – ECMP Operator cum Supervisor UIDN
Visit Official Website :
Online Application Procedure :
(1) Candidates latest mobile number must be linked in his/her Aadhaar, as the same will be
verified using One Time Password.
(2) Candidate LATEST PHOTOGRAPH must be updated in the Aadhaar before downloading the
e-Aadhaar and Offline Aadhaar XML for verification on exam day.
(3) Candidate MUST carry latest copy of e-Aadhaar from or
Aadhaar Letter with LATEST PHOTOGRAPH and ADMIT CARD for Verification purpose. In
case non availability of Admit Card OR mismatch in PHOTOGRAPH printed on eAadhaar/Aadhaar Letter and the candidate appearance, he/she will be disqualified.
(4) Download “Offline Aadhaar XML File” from the following link and select “ “Share Code” of
your choice –
(5) Create “New User” by uploading Offline Aadhaar XML File and providing Share Code and
Mobile Number as per Aadhaar on the following link –
(6) After successful verification of Offline Aadhaar XML File and Mobile Number entered by
candidate with registered mobile as per Aadhaar, an “OTP” will be send to the candidate
mobile number to confirm his/her Registration and to provide consent to NSEIT Ltd to use
the candidate’s Offline Aadhaar Information.
(7) Registration ID and Default Password will be send on the candidate mobile number and
email ID. The Default Password has to be changed on first time login. Candidate must
remember the Registration ID and new Password for appearing for the Certification exam
and to view his/her details on NSEIT Registration Portal.
(8) After login using the Registration ID and new password, candidate will be able to view
“Offline Aadhaar details” prefilled in the Application Form. Candidate has to select his/her
Education Qualifications, Certification Role, Preferred Test Center, Enrolment Agency Code
and submit the Application Form.
(9) After submission of Application Form, candidate will be have to click on “ Payment Tab”
having Two Option-
(a) Online Payment ( applicable for new users)
(b) Already Paid (applicable for candidates who have paid fee in past but not scheduled
their exam until the validity of payment i.e. 180 days and all the Valid Online Bulk Payment
by any Enrolment Agency/Registrar)
(10) Once the payment is successfully accepted, Candidate should take the “MOCK Exam” to
understand the look and feel of the actual Certification Exam. The Seat Booking Page will
also be activated, where the candidate can book his/her Test Center and Exam Slot and
confirm their Booking.
(11) After successful exam scheduling, Admit Card having all the details like Test Center,
Exam Time, Address of Test Center, Important Points and Payment Details will be provided
to the candidate.
(12) NO REFUND POLICY – Fees once paid will not be refunded on any account. In case of any
payment failure, please write to for refund or fresh payment.
(13) VALIDITY OF FEE- The Certification fee is valid for a period of 180 days from the date of
(14) In case the slots are not available at the preferred Test Center after 15 days of Online
Fee Payment, candidate should write a mail containing their Registration ID to or contact Training, Testing and Certification Division UIDAI HQ
testing-certification-division.html) for escalation and slot allocation.
(15) For Bulk Online Payment, Bulk Online Registration and Bulk Online Scheduling, the
Requesting Enrolment Agency/Registrar may contact Training, Testing and Certification
Division UIDAI HQ (,-testing-certification-division.html)
(16) For any other query, Candidates can contact on below given contact No.022-42706500
Timing: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM (Monday – Saturday) or write to:
Instructions For Booking Exams
- Candidates, please be informed that Registration for Exam under Freelancer option has been discontinued with immediate effect.
- Please register yourself only if you are sponsored by any active Registrar/Enrolment Agency of UIDAI.
- Also, candidates need to carry original authorization letter from the Registrar/Enrolment Agency for attending the exam else candidate will be disallowed to appear for the examination.
- Any candidate attempting to register with incorrect Registrar/Enrolment Agency combination and multiple registrations with single mobile number / email-id will be debarred permanently.
- In case any person impersonating the candidate and appears for the exam then both the candidates will be debarred permanently.
- Appropriate action will be initiated against the candidates found to be involved in any kind of malpractices.
- Exam fees paid by such candidates will be forfeited.
Candidate Instructions
- Candidate must check/should have the following documents, before submitting the Application Form for Aadhaar Operator/Supervisor/CELC Operator Certification Exam through NSEIT Ltd-
- Candidate must have his/her latest mobile number registered in Aadhaar for OTP Verification.
- Candidate must have updated his/her LATEST PHOTOGRAPH in Aadhaar in last 3 months for Verification on Exam Date.
- Candidate Aadhaar Number should not be blacklisted by any Enrolment Agency or UIDAI.
- Candidate must be 18 Years in Age as per Aadhaar.
- Candidate must have minimum Educational Qualification required for the selected Certification Role.
- Candidate must have latest copy of e-Aadhaar downloaded after 1 March 2019, from or Aadhaar Letter with LATEST PHOTOGRAPH.
- Candidate must have “Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC- XML File” and “Share Code” downloaded from
- Candidate must have read “Handbook for Ecosystem Partners” available under the heading “New Test Structure Applicable from 10th January 2022:“ in the following webpage –
- Candidate must have read the Test Structure and Passing Percentage for the Role of Operator/Supervisor/CELC Operator available at
- Candidate who is sponsored by any Active Enrollment Agency alone shall register for the exam, as UIDAI or NSEIT does not hire or engage any Certified Operator/Supervisor directly.
- Candidate must have valid Debit Card, Credit Card or Net Banking Facility to make Online Test/Retest Fee Payment.
- Candidate must check/should have the following documents, before submitting the Application Form for Aadhaar Operator/Supervisor/CELC Operator Certification Exam through NSEIT Ltd-
- Candidates have to select “Level of Exam- Exam Role” as UIDAI Certification for “ECMP Operator cum Supervisor” or “Operator Child Enrollment Lite Client” at the time of registration. Candidates certified as Child Enrolment Lite Client Operator will be able to work only on CELC application software. They will not be able to do any other type of enrolment i.e. on ECMP as Operator or Supervisor. However candidates certified as ECMP Operator cum Supervisor will be able to work both on ECMP and CELC Client.
- Candidates have to select the Education Qualification, Enrollment Agency Code, Registrar Code, Exam Role, Exam Language, email ID, preferred Test Center and submit the Application Form. Candidate must select these correctly, as there is no provision of changing the selection (except for preferred Test Center) Application form is submitted.
- Candidate MUST select “Registrar Code” as received to them by the Enrollment Agency. In case the candidate is not aware of the Registrar code they should contact the respective Enrollment Agency. Based on the EA code selected, accurate selection of Registrar code is mandatory.
- Any candidate attempting to register with incorrect Registrar/Enrolment Agencies (EA) details will be debarred permanently. Exam fees paid by such candidates will be forfeited. Maximum 6 successive attempts are allowed for selection of the correct code, post which the login will be blocked. Exam fees paid by such candidates will be forfeited.
- Candidate MUST upload the corresponding Education Document as per the education level selected in the Education level Dropdown and also upload the Authorization letter as provided to them by the respective Enrollment Agency.
- The document uploaded should be legible.
- The maximum file size can be 1 MB and minimum 50KB.
- Document can be of file type PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG only.
- In case incorrect upload of file or illegible file is detected the candidature will be rejected and candidate login will be blocked.
- Candidates must bring the copy of e-Aadhaar (preferably in color) downloaded from or Aadhaar Letter with LATEST PHOTOGRAPH or e-Aadhaar copy on their smartphone along with Admit card on the examination date for Candidate Verification purpose. In case of non availability of Admit Card OR mismatch in PHOTOGRAPH printed on e-Aadhaar/Aadhaar Letter and the candidate appearance, he/she will be disallowed from taking the exam.
- Registered candidates need to carry Original Authorization Letter at Exam centres otherwise they will not be allowed to appear in the exam.
- A TEST fee of Rs. 470.82 (Rs. 399 + 18 % GST) and RETEST FEE Rs. 235.41 (Rs. 199.50 + 18 % GST) has to be paid using “Online Payment Facility” provided after successful application submission. There is no additional bank charge for using the online payment facility.
- The Retest Fee is applicable only for the cases wherein the Candidate FAILS or is ABSENT on the exam date.
- For recertification, please refer to TT&C Policy and SOP for training, testing and certification of E&U Operators available on UIDAI Website.
- Any Candidate found indulge in malpractices/impersonification during exam shall be debarred permanently. Such Candidates shall not be considered for fresh registration/retest also. If the candidate is caught giving proxy attendance, he or she along with the person for whom they were giving proxy shall be debarred permanently without giving any chance to explain themselves. Exam fees paid by such candidates will be forfeited.
- Enrolment Agency interested to perform Bulk Registration, Bulk Online Payment and Bulk Exam Scheduling may contact UIDAI HQ Training Testing and Certification Division,-testing-certification-division.html.
Instruction Form
Instructions for Registration Portal
- Candidates MUST keep their User-Id (Registration No.) and New Password received on their mobile number and email confidential to avoid misuse by another candidate. User-Id (Registration No.) and Password will be used to login into the Exam Module at the Exam center. The same User-Id( Registration No.) and Password will be used for viewing the Instruction Page, Application Form, Payment Information, Slot Booking, Admit Card, Certificate and Score Card at later stage.
- Candidate MUST contact in case he/she forgets the Password and is unable to retrieve the password using “security question / answer” selected by him at the time of first time login.
- All the details provided at the time of “new user creation” will be pre-populated in the Application Form and cannot be changed/modified in the Application Form. Candidates MUST select the Qualification, Enrollment Agency Code, Exam Role, Exam Language, email ID, preferred Test Center correctly, as there is no provision of edit after submission of Application Form.
- Candidate MUST select “Enrolment Agency Code – EA Code “with whom they are already engaged while filling the Application Form. UIDAI and NSEIT Ltd do not hire or engage any Certified Operator/Supervisor directly.
- Candidate MUST select “Registrar Code” as received to them by the Enrollment Agency. In case the candidate is not aware of the Registrar code they should contact the respective Enrollment Agency. Based on the EA code selected, accurate selection of Registrar code is mandatory.
- Any candidate attempting to register with incorrect Registrar/Enrolment Agencies (EA) details will be debarred permanently. Exam fees paid by such candidates will be forfeited. Maximum 6 successive attempts are allowed for selection of the correct code, post which the login will be blocked. Exam fees paid by such candidates will be forfeited.
- Candidate MUST select “Level of Exam- Exam Role” as UIDAI Certification for “ECMP Operator cum Supervisor” or “Operator Child Enrollment Lite Client” at the time of filling the application form.
- Candidates MUST be aware that Candidate certified as Child Enrollment Lite Client Operator will be able to work only on CELC application software and will not be able to do any other type of enrollment i.e. on ECMP software as Operator or Supervisor. However candidates certified as ECMP Operator cum Supervisor will be able to work both on ECMP Client and CELC Client.
- Candidate MUST upload the corresponding Education Document as per the education level selected in the Education level Dropdown and also upload the Authorization letter as provided to them by the respective Enrollment Agency.
- The document uploaded should be legible.
- The maximum file size can be 1 MB and minimum 50KB.
- Document can be of file type PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG only.
- In case incorrect upload of file or illegible file is detected the candidature will be rejected and candidate login will be blocked.
- On successful submission of Application Form, candidate MUST fill the “Payment Tab” where he/she will be given 2 Options-
- Online Payment – Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking
- Already Paid – Applicable for candidates who have paid fee in past but not scheduled their exam until the validity of payment i.e. 180 days OR all the Valid Online Bulk Payments submitted by any Enrollment Agency/Registrar)
- On successful submission of Application Form, candidate MUST fill the “Payment Tab” where he/she will be given 2 Options-
- Candidate MUST schedule their exam within the validity of their fee payment i.e. 180 days for date of payment.
- Candidate MUST contact in case of any payment failure during Online PAYMENT for refund or slot booking page activation.
- Candidate MUST take the “MOCK Exam” to understand the look and feel of the actual Certification Exam after successful online fee payment.
- Candidate MUST select/book his/her “Test Center” and “Exam Slot” and confirm their Booking after successful online fee payment.
- Candidate MUST download and print his/her ADMIT CARD which contains all the details like Test Center, Exam Time, Address of Test Center, Important Points and Payment Details etc.
- Candidate MUST contact in case the slots are not available at the “Preferred Test Center Location” after 7 days from successful online fee payment. In case there is no response, candidate may contact UIDAI HQ Training Testing and Certification Division for escalation and complaint.
- For recertification, please refer to TT&C Policy and SOP for training, testing and certification of E&U Operators available on UIDAI Website.
Instruction for Exam Date
- Candidate MUST reach examination hall at-least 15 minutes prior to exam time as he/she will not be allowed to enter the examination hall post exam start time.
- Candidate MUST carry latest copy of e-Aadhaar downloaded from or Aadhaar Letter with LATEST PHOTOGRAPH and ADMIT CARD for Verification purpose. In case non availability of Admit Card OR mismatch in PHOTOGRAPH printed on e-Aadhaar/Aadhaar Letter and the candidate appearance, he/she will be disqualified.
- Registered candidates need to carry Original Authorization Letter at Exam centres otherwise they will not be allowed to appear in the exam.
- Candidate MUST read and fill the Mandatory Feedback form before completing the test on the exam date.
- Candidate MUST read the Training and Testing Content available on UIDAI Website for self study and exam preparation.
- Candidate MUST read the Test Structure and Passing Percentage Role Wise available on UIDAI Website.
- Any Candidate found indulge in malpractices/impersonification during exam shall be debarred permanently. Such Candidates shall not be considered for fresh registration/retest also. If the candidate is caught giving proxy attendance, he or she along with the person for whom they were giving proxy shall be debarred permanently without giving any chance to explain themselves. Exam fees paid by such candidates will be forfeited.
ECMP Operator cum Supervisor Certification exam
- The duration for ECMP Operator cum Supervisor certification exam would be 120 minutes consisting of 100 questions from 9 chapters.
- Candidates scoring 55% or more marks shall get certified as ECMP Operator cum Supervisor.
- Candidates scoring less than 55% marks shall be declared fail and such candidates have to appear for the retest exam.
- Please refer the test pattern for Operator cum Supervisor Certification as under:
Chapter No. | Section/ Chapter Name | Max. number of Questions on each Chapter | No. of Questions in Exam | ||||||
Level-1 | Level-2 | Level-3 | Total Questions | Level-1 | Level-2 | Level-3 | Total Questions | ||
Ch-1 | Introduction to UIDAI and Aadhaar | 29 | 9 | 0 | 38 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 6 |
Ch-2 | Registrars, Enrolling Agencies and Enrolment Staff | 55 | 22 | 10 | 87 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 17 |
Ch-3 | Onboarding of Enrolment Agency and Enrolment Staff | 14 | 10 | 0 | 24 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 5 |
Ch-4 | Aadhaar Enrolment / Update Process | 35 | 19 | 0 | 54 | 8 | 8 | 0 | 16 |
Ch-5 | Capturing Demographic and Biometric Details of Resident and Use of Enrolment/Update Client | 44 | 16 | 1 | 61 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 10 |
Ch-6 | Exceptional Handling | 6 | 13 | 5 | 24 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 8 |
Ch-7 | Guidelines for Enrolment Operator/Supervisor on Quality of Enrolment | 0 | 11 | 17 | 28 | 0 | 7 | 9 | 16 |
Ch-8 | Offences and Penalties | 0 | 1 | 10 | 11 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 7 |
Ch-9 | Guidelines for the Enrolment Staff to Improve Customer Satisfaction and Avoid Fraud and Corruption | 46 | 26 | 3 | 75 | 6 | 8 | 1 | 15 |
Total | 229 | 127 | 46 | 402 | 30 | 45 | 25 | 100 |