1. don’t use pirated software

we search internet free or pirated (Windows xp,10,7) . also search pirated activation key , but this software can be slow our computer or PC, and also help some strangers for hack our pc, so avoid pirated software .

2. short space in “c drive”

we are also a great mistake in our PC – don’t have sufficient space in ” c drive”, after some days used c drive auto update and full space in drive. cause of easy day by day very slow, so enough space for c drive .

3. important document in desktop

when we work, we save some important document in our desktop this is the great mistake for us, after few day computers desktop aso full & when c drive had any problem will format c drive and also desktop, the important document cannot backup , so important document safe other drive .

4. remove un use application

after few day some application we are not used in our PC, divide this software cannot be used and take many space in our drive, after use many application computer work slowly, so so we can remove un used application in our PC .

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