Pbssd Official Notice Below :- ( official PDf Copy)
No. ET/0/PBSSD-01/2016/1434 Dated, Kolkata, 29th May, 2019.
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It is hereby notified that as per PBSSD Executive Council Meeting held on 21st May 2019, the following action points were decided upon:
1.Penalty Clauses Due to observations of various violations during inspection conducted by PBSSD officials,
the Following situations are identified as Clauses of Penalty that will lead to De-empanelment of Training Provider or De-empanelment of Training Centre or Financial Penalties
The Major Penalty Clauses for De-empanelment of Training Providers are:
i.Use of any kind of fraudulent means, such as malware software, ghost trainees etc. to achieve targets in any of its affiliated centres
ii.Training centre physically doesn’t exist at the address provided.
iii.Students physically present at a centre is less than 90% of that of biometric attendance recorded for any given day.iv.Obstructing any staff or representative of PBSSD from inspecting any Training Centre
The Major Penalty Clauses for De-empanelment of Training Centres are:
i.Closing of Training Centre without prior approval/intimation to PBSSD.
ii.No rent/tenancy agreement is available with the Training Centre in the name of the Training Provider
iii.Non-availability of mandatory equipment as per SSC guidelines.iv.Training Centres being run on Franchisee mode.
The Minor Penalty Clauses for Financial Penalties to be levied are:
i.Breach of batch closing date
ii.Breach in raising request for assessment
iii.Breach in terms of Qualitative attributes
iv.Breach in placement terms and conditions
v.The Centre-in-Charge being the same person as the owner of the building taken in rent/ tenancy for the Training Centre
vi.The number of Trainers and/ or Trainer Qualifications and Experience not being as per SSC Guidelines
2.Modifications in Registration Process of Training Providers:
i.Training Provider registration will be approved only after a satisfactory in-person interview of the Proprietor, Financial Officer and other operating officials of prospective Training Provider, conducted by Training Provider Monitoring committee along with documents submitted through online portal pbssd.gov.in
ii.The Training Provider Monitoring committee is to comprise of the following officials:
a.Project Director of PBSSD, b.OSDs of PBSSD, c.Financial Consultant d.Deputy Financial Advisor 3.
Modifications in Registration Process of Training Centers:
i.Training Centre registration will be approved only after a satisfactory in-person interview of the Centre-in -charge, Trainers and any other operating officials, conducted by the Training Centre Monitoring committee along with documents submitted through online portal pbssd.gov.in
ii.The Training Centre Monitoring Committee is to comprise of the following officials:
a.District Nodal Officer (DNO), b.District Project Manager (DPM) c.Sub-Divisional Project Manager (SDPM)d.Any other official as decided by the District Magistrate
4.New Payment Disbursement Schedule i.Training Provider will be eligible to raise request of payment of 30% for a batch only upon completion of 30% of total training of the particular batch. This doesn’t mean that the 30% of the payment will be released at this point of timeii.30% of the total payment will be released only upon raising of assessment request for the particular batchiii.Another 50% of the total payment will be released only on completion of assessment of the particular Batch
5.Batch Approval process will be automated resulting in less intervention and less time lag for completion of each batch
6.Assessment Approval process will be automated resulting in less intervention and less time lag for completion of each batch assessment
7.MOU based TP partnership process will be discontinued and Work order based agreement is to implementedi.Work orders will be provided for individual Training Centre.ii.The Work order will categorically state the period of engagement (start date and end date) along with penal clauses and also details about the course and any other relevant detail regarding the course.
8.Bank Guarantee process to be discontinued and Security deposit to be used instead. The amount is to be returnable after the completion of the entire training cycle
9.Rent/Tenancy agreement to be mandatorily available in the Training Centres.
i.Rent/Tenancy agreement for a particular training centre is to be mandatorily available in the Training Centre
ii.The Rent/ Tenancy agreement must meet the following criteria:a.The agreement is in the name of the Training Provider concerned.
b.The agreement must contain the complete address along with some landmark for which agreement has been executed along with the time period.
c.The agreement should contain the Latitude and Longitude Coordinates of the particular Training Centre.
d.The address mentioned in the agreement shall match with the address the Training Provider has applied for during Training Centre Registration.
10.Existing migration targets from pbssd.org portal to be scrapped and new targets in pbssd.gov.in portal to be allocated as per Inspection reports from 15th July 2019 onwards for smooth transition from existing Portal to new portal
11.Revised fees of Training Centre Registration and Inspection i.The fees for Training Centre registration and Inspection is revised as follows:
First Training Centre5,000-1,000All Subsequent Training Centres5,000-5,000
12.Inspection of all Training Centres for the new portal pbssd.gov.in will happen through Regular monitoring App by 30th June 2019
13.Decentralisation and Modification in Inspection module i.The following modifications in the Inspection module was decided upona.Inspections to be allotted automatically.b.Inspection reports to be go to Districts.c.Approval from Districts after Interview of the TC-in-charge and Trainers.d.State Project Management Unit to monitor and oversee the entire process.
14.New Training Provider registration in pbssd.gov.in portal to remain closed till 30th June 2019. Existing Training Provider applications in the pbssd.org portal to be rejected. Any amount already deposited to be refunded.
15.New Training Centre registration in pbssd.gov.in portal to remain closed till 30th June 2019. Existing Training Centre applications in the pbssd.org portal to be rejected. Any amount already deposited to be refunded.
16.All trainers need to be TOT certified and should be in possession of Identity Cards and Certificates by 31st August 2019. All trainers would need to submit the TOT Certification number in the new portal pbssd.gov.in by 31st August 2019
17.Guidelines for assessment i.No change of dates for assessment shall be entertained unless it’s due to force majeure.ii.Assessment has to be video recorded and sent to PBSSD for bill approval.iii.Any dispute with the Assessor needs to be brought to the notice of PBSSD by the EOD along with proofs.
iv.Assessment Bodies need to ascertain that only genuine candidates are present during assessment.v.Biometric attendance on the day of assessment in the portal is mandatory.vi.Representative of PBSSD may be present during assessment.
18.CCTV to be compulsorily present in biometric attendance room from 30th June 2019.All classrooms in Training Centres are also to be equipped with CCTV camera in due course.
19.Training Providers and Training Centres would be rated and graded based on their performances using mobile app
20.A new Committee for PMKVY CSSM 2.0 is to be formedi.The committee is to consist of the following members:
21.Executive Council Meetings of PBSSD is to be chaired by Vice Chairperson, PBSSD.
22.Chief Administrative Officer, West Bengal State Council of Technical & Vocational Education and Skill Development is to be included in the Executive Council of PBSSD as an expert in the area of Skill Development.
23.Shri Chinmay Sengupta, Ex. COO & CSR Advisor, ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth is to be included in the Executive Council of PBSSD as an expert in the area of Skill Development.
24.A Nominated member from CREDAI is to be included in the Executive Council of PBSSD as an expert in the area of Skill Development.
25.Impact Assessment of the various initiatives undertaken as part of the Utkarsh Bangla Scheme is to be conducted
26.Identity Card is to be mandatorily given to the trainees
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