rap certificate Download Link , csc RAP Exam Official Website Link : https://www.csc-insurance.in/
RAP Registration Link : https://www.csc-insurance.in/Login/RAPRegistration
Rap Exam Login Link : https://www.csc-insurance.in/Login/RAPLogin
CSC Vle INS Exam Link : https://www.csc-insurance.in/Login/INSRegistration
Rap Exam Contact Details ( Call 1800-121-3468 Or insurance@csc.gov.in
Enabling Financial Security
Common Services Centers (CSC) are one of the crucial enablers of the Digital India Programme. They are the access points for delivery of various e-governance and business services to citizens in rural and remote areas of the country. It is a pan-India network catering to regional, geographic, linguistic and cultural diversity of the country, thus enabling the Government’s mandate of a socially, financially and digitally inclusive society. CSCs offer assisted access of e-services to citizens with a focus on enhancing governance, delivering essential government and public utility services, social welfare schemes, financial services, education and skill development courses, health and agriculture services and digital literacy, apart from a host of B2C services.
- Platform for all types of insurance products (Life & General)
- Largest channel for crop Insurance in India (PMFBY)
- Largest channel for Micro-insurance in India
- Largest channel for life (Renewal) products
- Presence in all Panchayats of India
Collected From CSC PV ( https://www.csc-insurance.in/ )
[sc_fs_faq html=”true” headline=”h2″ img=”” question=”What Is RAP Exam” img_alt=”” css_class=””] The basic general insurance category that are readily available on Digital Seva Portal are Motor Comprehensive Insurance (MCI), Motor third Party (MTP), Health Inusrance, Personal Accident, Fire and allied Perils. [/sc_fs_faq]